Epilogue: Fade To Black

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The sunlight streamed through the window, illuminating the shelves of clutter in gold. The woman pushed her hair our of her face and let out a heavy sigh, a thin layer of sweat shimmering on her skin.

'Fucking windows, it's like a greenhouse in here.' She muttered to herself and moved around the counter, glancing at the clock on the wall: 7.00pm. Walking slowly through the aisles she slowly made her way to the front door, reaching her arm up to flip the sign in the door to 'closed', when suddenly a person appeared in the door. They pushed the door open and smiled apologetically.

'Sorry, I know it's almost closing time, but I just wanted a quick look around.'

She didn't recognise the person but their apology seemed genuine and they didn't look like a criminal, so she smiled and nodded her head. The person smiled back and moved past her into the store. The woman walked slowly back behind the counter and checked the register while waiting for the customer. She couldn't see them but she could hear their footsteps and the occasional rustling or moving of objects.

A while passed before the customer finally walked up to the counter, placing a box down on the wooden top.

'How much for these?'

The woman peered down into the box of old VHS tapes and smiled at the stranger.

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