17. Going Under

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We were driving fast down the road in Sarah's car, Sarah in the driver's seat looking over at me anxiously every few seconds.

'Are you sure we shouldn't go to the hospital?'

'They'll have too many questions that we can't answer. It's not that bad, we can fix it ourselves.'

'Y/N, you look like you're about to pass out. It's bad.'

'Just drive, we'll be okay.' I rested my head on the window and fought to stay awake. I was getting more and more tired by the second, but I knew if I slipped away Sarah would freak out and possibly crash the car, then we'd both be screwed.

The car came to a stop and I heard a car door slam, followed by my door being opened and my head promptly being caught by Sarah. I roused myself as much as I could and walked to the front door with the support of Sarah. She guided me to the living room and had me lie down on the sofa, propping a cushion underneath my head before sprinting up the stairs and returning with the first aid kit. 

She threw the box onto the coffee table and kneeled down in front of me, peeling off my shirt and pulling it up to reveal my wound. She let out a loud gasp and covered her mouth with her bloodied hand.

'What? What is it?' Panic-stricken and sick, I leaned my head down, desperate to see the reason behind Sarah's reaction. Carved into my stomach were the words 'FREDDY'S BACK', blood slowly seeping from the letters. My head fell back and I lay still, nauseous and sickened as Sarah breathed heavily, desperate to compose herself.

She took one last deep breath before swallowing hard and turning round to grab the sterlising tools. I didn't pay attention to what she did as I struggled to pay attention to anything but the stinging I felt. She wiped away the blood and cleaned the wound, running off to the kitchen after this had been completed. When she returned, she held in her hands a glass of water, a tablet and a biscuit tin. 

'I know it's too late now, I'm sorry, but I don't know what else to do.' She handed me the tablet and water, then opened the biscuit tin.

'Too late? What the fuck do you mea-' My question was answered when I saw her holding a needle and thread, an apologetic look on her face. Without hesitation, I downed the painkiller and water, stuffing my sleeve in my mouth and preparing for the pain.

It was worse than I'd expected, the painkiller obviously doing nothing to help since I'd just swallowed it, and I couldn't stop the constant flow of tears down my face, drenching my sleeve which I was biting into so hard I feared I'd rip. After what felt like an eternity, Sarah set down the needle and looked at my face.

'It's done now. We didn't have any numbing cream or anything, the painkiller was my only idea. I'm so sorry, jesus. I can't imagine how bad that must have been. It's sewn up good though, it won't bleed anymore, just be careful not to rip it. I'm going to ca-'

I didn't hear the end of the sentence, my eyelids dropped and I felt myself drop into exhaustion.


'No, they're sleeping. Don't worry I checked, I was fucking terrified.'

'That's honestly insane. I mean that is insane.'

'Yeah, there's no way you're being serious.'

'You look at the fucking stitches on their stomach and then tell me I'm not being serious.'

In my half-sleep state, Sarah's voice drifted in the air along with two others I didn't recognise. One was a deeper voice, an oddly familiar sound that I didn't know the origins of, and a heavily accented voice I'd never heard. I shifted in my place and squinted my eyes at the orange light blaring through the curtains.

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