Chapter 8

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Christmas Day was finally here and everyone got up very early to celebrate. There were a lot of nieces and nephews in Katie's family dying to open presents so they didn't want to keep the kids waiting too long.
Caitlin and Bailey were both surprised that they even received a few presents as well making them both feel really loved at the moment.
As the day went on, Caitlin wanted to give Katie an hour or two just to be with her family. She knew how much family means to her and that she doesn't get to see them often.
"Hey Katie, Bales and I are just gonna go for a walk. We will be back in a an hour or so."
"Okay no problem. I'll be here playing with this little one!" She said as she picked one of her nieces off the ground and spun her around. 

I hope we have kids together one day was Caitlin's immediate thought after seeing how good Katie was with them. Snapping out of her little thought she quickly hurried off to meet up with Bailey outside.
"Where we off to?"
"Follow me this way I got a spot in mind."
"Okay ya know I saw you staring at Katie with her niece for a long time from the window out here."
"Okay yeah the kids cute what are you implying."
"The kid is cute, but that's not why you were staring." Bailey said in a mocking tone.
"Fine want me to admit I just saw my whole future with her in the split second I was staring at her with the kid. There ya have it."
"That wasn't so hard to admit was it? You're such a softie." Bailey laughed but grabbed her sisters hand to pull her in for a quick hug.
When she did she noticed a new ring. "This new?"
"Yeah Katie gave it to me on our date night. It's a promise ring." Caitlin said blushing.
"Damn you both are so in love it makes me sick."
"Actually I was going to ask you something. And you can say no."
"Um okay go for it" Bailey said noticing the change In her sisters voice.
"Well you know we are going back to Australia in March and I know it's always just us two that goes. Because we miss home and we miss our parents and it's a chance for us to just be together and reflect on that. Well I want to invite Katie and show her where we grew up. Show her where mom and dad are buried. Kinda weird but she never met them idk."
Bailey cut off her sisters rambling. "Of course Cait. I would love if my second sister was coming along with us too."
"She's gonna be part of our family right? She's helped me just as much as you have these past months. She's special to me too."
"Well that helps answer my next question. I was planning on proposing in Australia. I'll need your help setting up. Do you think it's a smart idea?"
"Might just be the best idea you've ever had sis. I'm really happy for you."
"Thanks Bales. I'm really happy too."

They walked to a little coffee shop and got some hot chocolate and then started to walk back.
"So who is this boy I've heard about?"
"Ugh can we not? We met once at his party and it's been two days. I'll tell you about him if anything comes from it okay?"
"Alright alright don't get defensive. Just tell me when you're ready. Just want to make sure he's a good guy. You deserve the best."
"We've already had the sweet sister moment for the day yeah? Can we talk about literally anything else?"
"Fine fine whatever"

Finally home they enjoyed the rest of the day with Katie's family. Towards the end of the night Caitlin pulled Katie aside and led her to the back porch.
"Hey I actually got one more gift for you."
She handed her an envelope.
Katie pulled out a piece of paper with travel information on it.
"Yeah! I um well Bailey and I go back for a week pretty much every year. No football or anything. We just go to enjoy being home. See old friends. Visit our parents. That type of stuff. I was hoping you would come with us this year. I'd really like to show you my home because I've really enjoyed seeing yours."
"I'd absolutely love to go! Thank you Cait."
They hugged for a long time before coming back inside for Katie to announce she's going to Australia!
Her family members that were still awake celebrated with her. But her mom gave Caitlin a knowing look and wink and shook her head in approval.

"Wait you already got her the ticket before you asked me?" Bailey asked.
"Kinda figured you would say yes and wanted to surprise her for Christmas"
"And if I said no?"
"Then I'd be out a lot of money on that ticket." Caitlin joked.

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