Chapter 9

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The girls said their goodbyes to the McCabe family and promised to come and visit again soon. Bailey had even gotten the three younger McCabe sisters numbers and they formed a group chat which was mainly focused at making fun of Katie and Caitlin.
When they finally got to the airport. Katie let out a sigh she didn't realize she was holding in.
"Not that I don't love my family to bits but I could not have shared a room with six girls for another day. I can't wait until it's just me and you again."
"Oh yeah? What did you have in mind? Maybe a repeat of the bathroom scene" Caitlin said cockily
"I'm literally right here. Do you have to talk about sex in front of me? And really the bathroom?"
"Oh get over it Bales not like you've never done it some place a little scandalous."
It kind of hit her when Caitlin said that. She really hasn't. She had a boyfriend for two years and they only ever had sex in their apartment. She now realized that was because him and her best friend would sneak off at private events. The memories all came flooding back. The signs were all there. She missed them. But even before him, she was hadnt really been with many people. One or two here or there that always occurred in her room. She had a lot of self confidence issues after the accident and never put herself out there to meet anyone. I need to live a little. I need to put myself out there.  Bailey said in her head as she tried to give herself a little pep talk, but clearly her face was showing otherwise as she was deep in thought.
"You okay?" Caitlin asked
"Yeah yeah I'm fine just continue your discussion about what you're doing when you two get home. I'm going to get a coke."
Caitlin and Katie gave each other a glance as Bailey headed off.

All the nervousness she once had about texting Drew wore off with this rush of confidence suddenly as she decided to text him.
"Hey I'll be home this afternoon. Did you get back yet?"
"Yeah I did a little earlier! Want to meet up?"
"Yeah let's get dinner. I know a pub that has good food."
"Sounds good can't wait. Tell me time and place and I'll see you and your cute dimples there."

Baileys heart fluttered at the last line. He's flirting. He might actually like me. As she got her coke she headed back and put her headphones in to avoid talking to her sister. She basically managed to stay silent the whole time until they boarded and luckily wasn't sitting near them again so didn't have to worry about talking.
At baggage claim back in London, Bailey ordered an Uber for herself even though the three of them had come over together.
"My rides here! I'll see you guys later. Thanks so much for having me Katie. I love your family."
"You're not riding back with us?"
"No I got a ride. Gives you two longer to be alone. You're welcome." Quickly giving both girls a hug she ran off to her ride smiling to herself thinking she successfully got away with rushing off for a date that they had no idea about.

Bailey had never showered and changed so quickly in her life but she made it to the pub right on time seeing Drew waiting in a booth. He got up and hugged her and kissed her cheek making her blush deeply.
Their conversation picked up right where it left off at the party. Having learned all the little details about themselves. They got into some deeper conversations. It was all okay until the word "parents" came up. It was always a tricky situation when people didn't know. But Drew immediately could sense something was wrong.
"Did I say something wrong?"
"Oh no. It's just well both of my parents died a little over 7 years ago."
"Omg Bailey I'm so sorry!!"
Bailey was used to the pity. It's always what comes out of people's mouths first. And usually where the conversation stops, but Drew. Drew was different.
"I don't expect you to tell me everything now. But just know as we get to know each other you can share whatever details you want about them okay? All the good especially, but the bad too. I'm sure it's still not easy to deal with."
"Wow thank you. That means a lot" she said while taking his hand.
They shared a moment of silence just smiling at each other before the bill came and Drew instantly grabbed it.
"I'm not letting a pretty girl like you pay for the first date. Not a chance"

They walked hand in hand back to Baileys place until they got outside the door.
"Listen I know we haven't hung out that much but I'm actually off until after new years. Would you like to hang out again if you're free?" Bailey asked shyly
"Thank god you asked I was trying to build up the nerves to ask you the same thing. Yes I'd love to. Also my friends are hosting a party on New Year's Eve. Want to come?"
"I'd love to!"
"Good well I'll pick you up tomorrow say around 1?"
"I'll see you then" she said smiling as she noticed Drew leaning into kiss her.

The pair hung out together every day until New Years just enjoying each others company more than anything.
The day before Caitlin called her and put her on speaker with Katie.
"Hello little sister you haven't come over in a few days. Don't you miss us?"
"Oh yeah miss ya so dearly Cait. I'll be there New Years Day for our annual traditional meal you know."
"Well the Arsenal girls are having a party for the NYE wanna come to that?"
"That's okay I got plans actually. So I'll see you the next day."
"Plans with who?"
"Caitlin I'm 25 I don't need to tell you everything I do jeez"
"Do your plans have anything to do with say one of my neighbors?" Katie joked
"Maybe they do. Maybe they don't. I'll tell you guys about it tomorrow okay! Goodbye Katie luv ya. Bye loser you're alright"

Bailey laughed as she hung up and focused on getting ready. Wearing a black shiny dress that was low cut and short. She looked hot. She could even admit that to herself. But was only confirmed when Drew's mouth hung open as he picked her up.

"Damn you look amazing"
"Thanks" she said while blushing in return.

As they arrived at the party there were a lot of people there and the drinks were flowing. It didn't take them long to catch up to the others on the drunkenness level. They were both having a great time mingling and Bailey really did love all of his friends.

When there was a minute left before midnight they found their way to one another again.
They held hands as the countdown began and giggled when they heard
"10, 9...."
Leaning in closer and closer until "Happy New Year!" Was heard throughout the house.
Their kiss was electric. Probably more passionate then any of the others had been. Neither wanting to end the kiss.
Drew pulled away suddenly and grabbed her hand "follow me!"
Before even thinking she quickly followed him down a hallway and into a small closet.
They stared at each other again before quickly going back to making out. Bailey started to untuck his shirt and undue his belt.
"Are you sure you want to?"
"Yeah I'm positive. Are you?"
"Are you kidding I've been dreaming about this since I met you"
She laughed and they continued kissing.
Soon all of their clothes were off and he had picked her up just enough that he was able to slide into her.
"God you feel good" they both moaned out. Knowing they were still in public place made sure to be as quiet as possible which was hard for both of them.
It was only a matter of minutes before Bailey felt her legs shake quickly followed by Drew having to pull out of her quickly.
"That was.."
"Yes haha that's for sure"
"But also Amazing. You're amazing."
"This probably isn't the most romantic place to ask, but will you be my girlfriend Bailey?"
"I would love nothing more."

God can't wait to explain this to Caitlin tomorrow. She thought to herself as she made her way out of the closet and fixing her messed up hair.

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