Chapter 12

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"Are you sure you got it?" Caitlin asked her sister while they waited for Katie to get through the security line at the airport

"Yes Caitlin for the 15th time I have the ring in my bag. I will give it to you when you tell me you are ready. Did you figure out what day you are going to do it?"

"Yeah day 2, I can't wait any longer, but I want to show her around tomorrow first."

Before Bailey could comment again, Katie came over and joined them.  Caitlin had finally stopped being so awkward and was able to contain her secret and have a normal conversation with people whenever Australia was mentioned. Thank god Bailey couldn't stand it anymore.

They made it on their flight and all turned on movies to try and pass the time, finally they made it to Australia. 

Mixed emotions hit both of the sisters as soon as they landed, they always did when they came home.  Happiness at being home, hanging out with the friends from their childhood, but also this is where everything fell apart for them.  The way home from the airport was always the toughest, especially for Bailey. It was the same road that the accident occurred on. In the back of the rental car, Bailey closed her eyes and brought her knees up to her chest when she saw the field she played her last soccer game on. She knew about 15 miles up the road would be the exact spot that the worst day of her life occurred.  Caitlin knew this was the hardest part of coming home for Bailey, but she was driving and couldn't do much about it except try and talk her through it.

"Bales talk to me, breath through it, you can keep your eyes closed but try to talk to us. How's Drew doing?"

"G- goo- good" 

Katie was looking at both sisters confused until Caitlin explained quietly what was going on.

All of a sudden, Katie unbuckled and climbed into the back seat, sitting in the middle seat quickly buckling back up and pulling Bailey into her chest and running her fingers through her hair. The sight from the rear view made Caitlin want to ask her right there and then to be her wife. She was so full of love. 

Bailey's breath evened out and finally opened her eyes. 

"Just look at me Bales, yeah? Tell us about the last date you and Drew went on."

A small flash of sparkle went through Bailey's eyes and she explained their date to a pottery class and how bad they both were at it and then they cooked dinner together and played some FIFA she even threw in a few tidbits about what he did in their bedroom afterwards. Caitlin almost threw up, Katie was laughing and enjoying all of the details while hyping her up. But eventually Bailey glanced outside and they were in their hometown. She did it, she made it through.

"We're home!"

"Yeah we are you made it through Bales, proud of you." Caitlin said smiling.

"Thank you Katie, lifesaver honestly. I usually have a panic attack, but Caitlin can't pull over cause it gets worse to be stuck on the side of the road for me."

"Don't have to thank me, just glad you're okay"

By the time they got to their hotel it was pretty late. They had gotten a two bedroom hotel room for the three of them to share. 

"Please don't let me hear you guys tonight."

"After I heard about what you and Drew did, I don't feel bad if you do hear us tonight."

Bailey gave her a disgusted look before turning into her room.

"Thank you for what you did for Bailey today I mean it. That possibly made me love you even more than I already do." Caitlin said playing with the hem of Katie's shirt. 

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