Chapter 17

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The following Friday was Baileys birthday so her, Drew, Caitlin, and Katie were planning on getting dinner and then meeting of the other Arsenal girls out at the bar to get drinks.
Bailey and Drew walked into the restaurant all smiles and hand in hand with Bailey sporting a brand new necklace clearly her birthday gift from Drew.
"Happy Birthday Bales!" Caitlin said getting up to give her a hug followed by Katie.
"Gifts now or later?"
"You already got me shoes you didn't need to get me anything else!"
"Well first of all I realized you made up that excuse to get me out of the house and trick me to buying you those. Second of all let me spoil you on your bday."
"Fine. Then gifts now please!!" Squealing like a little kid.
Katie handed her an envelope "it's from both of us"
Bailey opened up to find four tickets to this concert she's been dying to go to but the tickets were all sold out.
"Arsenal perks"  Caitlin said grinning
"Omg thank you thank you thank you thank you!!"
Caitlin then reached down and grabbed a small box. "Okay one more."
"Spoiling me really"
Bailey opened it up to see the top of the box say "Will you be my Maid of Honor?" With a bunch of photos and other cute gifts inside.
"Ah yes of course! I've been preparing my MOH speech since I was 6"
"Please you a little bit of more grown up language in your speech than 6 year old you."
"Eh we will see." Bailey said laughing before giving her another hug.
"Katie who is yours?"
"Im going to ask my older sister Vanessa. But all my sisters will be bridesmaids."
"Aw that's nice! Can you tell them already? I've been listening to them fight for months about who is going to be it."
"For months? We just got engaged a few weeks ago."
"Well. The adorable little sisters that we are may or may not have told each other your guys proposal plans you swore us to keep to ourselves."
"Of course they did..."
"Anyways it's my birthday. You can't get mad. Drew wanna split the artichoke dip for an app?" Resulting in two older women rolling their eyes.
"Sure that sounds good. Love how you changed subjects there babe."
"Shush. I'm hungry come on."

Later on after dinner the four made their way to the bar and found that Steph and Kyra were there waiting. They knew Bailey obviously and Kyra and her had played in youth national team games together before the accident.
After a few drinks, Bailey felt like someone was watching her so she looked through the crowd to find the last two people he wanted to see again. Ryan and Ellie. Ellie gave her a small smile. But Ryan he just looked cocky and drunk. As soon as he saw Bailey looking at them he gave Ellie a very aggressive kiss.
She was completely over him, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt when she saw that. She quickly excused herself from the group and told Drew she was going to the bathroom. Since being with Drew she hadnt had any panic attacks, so he wasn't aware of the signs. But Caitlin had seen a few over the years so even though she was mid conversation with Steph when she saw how quick her sister fled she knew something wasn't right and followed after her.
Entering the bathroom she found her sister leaning against the wall with her eyes closed. Luckily it was a one person bathroom so she went in and locked the door.
"Bailey" she said quietly "I'm here okay. I'm going to give you a hug"
Bailey didn't really put the words together until Caitlin wrapped her arms around her and brought her close.
"Deep breaths okay. Let's count to 10 together."
After she calmed down Caitlin brought her hands to side of her head and pulled her face up until their eyes met.
"What happened 7?"
"Ryan and Ellie are here." She whispered
"I'm going to kill them." Caitlin said and started to head out.
"No please don't! I just want to ignore them and have a good birthday. Please Caitlin."
"If he says anything to you let me know okay?"
"I promise. Now come on. People are going to wonder where we are"

The two girls headed back and for a while everything was okay. She didn't see them after she left the bathroom. So continued to have fun with her friends for a majority of the night. After deciding she wanted one more drink she headed to the bar by herself.
"Vodka coke please!"
"Sure thing"
While waiting for her drink she was looking at her phone so she didn't notice when someone walked up beside her. 
"Miss me?"
Just the sound of his voice made her want to run away.
"Please just go."
"Why?" He said getting closer to her and basically pinning her between the bar and himself.
"I have a boyfriend now. He's great. Much better than you ever were. Please just leave I don't want to talk to you."
Bailey said as she looked back towards her group of friends. She didn't see Drew but saw Caitlin and thankfully with some type of sister intuition Caitlin looked up and saw the situation she was in and immediately got up to try and run across the bar.
"New boyfriend huh? Wonder what he sees in you. You were never anything special."
It didn't take much to send Baileys self confidence down to where it was post accident. And that last sentence was more than she could handle. She looked back towards Caitlin who was almost there but she couldn't hold the tears in any longer.
Right before Caitlin got to her someone grabbed the back of Ryan's shirt and threw him backwards.
"Get away from my girl."
"So you're the boyfriend? Tell me mate has she gotten better in bed?"
Before he could finish his sentence Drew punched him right in the jaw.
"Never talk to her again. Got me, mate?"
He turned around to see Caitlin trying to comfort Bailey, and grabbed both girls and led them to the back exit.
"I'm going to grab our stuff and let Katie know we are leaving." Caitlin said as she pushed Bailey into Drew.
A few moments later all four were getting in a car and headed back to Caitlin and Katie's.
"Just stay with us tonight okay"
Bailey shook her head and grabbed Drew's hand and led him to the guest room.

"Is she going to be okay?" Katie asked
"I hope so. She's got Drew at least right now. He was so protective that made me happy but god I was I was the one to have punched that kid."

"You know nothing he said is true right. You are special. You are beautiful. You're freakin Bailey Foord. My Girl."
"Thanks Drew. Thanks for sticking up for me too."
"I mean it. Every word. I love you so much I hope you know that."
"I do I love you too."
"I hope you'll be able to see how amazing you are like how I do." He said and gave her a kiss.
"No one has ever been this kind to me."
"Well I'm not going to ever stop okay. My gorgeous girl."
Bailey fell asleep that night with a small smile on her face despite everything that happened.

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