Chapter 16

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"Hey Bailey," Katie said into the phone

"Hey Katie, I'm at work right now. Is everything okay?"

"Oh shit so sorry forgot you work like an actual job. Anyways I have something to ask you. Do you want to come over tonight? I'll cook for you."

"Yeah sure that works for me Drew has a business dinner anyway so I was going to be eating alone. Does 7 work?"

"Perfect. See you then!"

"Hey Katie, I let myself in." Bailey screamed as she made her way into the kitchen to see what they were going to be eating.  The two girls had spent enough time together since they met that it wasn't weird at all for the two of them to just be hanging out. 

"Oh hey Bales how was work?"

"Eh it was fine today. Kinda dragged on. Anyways why did you invite me over. Finally realize I was the better Foord sister?"

"Yep you caught me." Katie said rolling her eyes while plating their food and moving it to the table. "No I actually wanted to ask you kind of an important question."

"Oh okay well go on." Bailey said curious as to what could be so important and why it had to be while her sister was gone.

"Well, I know you had given Caitlin the ring because you approve of us together and you wrote that really sweet letter, but Caitlin had to face my parents face to face to ask their permission to marry me, so I thought it would be only fair if I did the same to you. I love her more than life it self and I can't wait to grow old with her. I am planning on proposing to her too. I mean can't let the ring go to waste right?" Katie said laughing slightly, "I just wanted to ask you face to face Bailey, Do I have permission to marry your sister?"

"Of course Katie!! You know you do! You didn't even have to ask, but just so you know making this effort and cooking this delicious food gets you mega points in my book. I'm really happy you are joining our little family. Sooo what's your plan??"

"Well I've been racking my brain for so long on how to make it as perfect as the first one. But I realized I am happiest with her right here in this house. I am going to make like a scavenger hunt type thing. Clues about different memories I have that lead to different parts of the house."

"She is going to love that! Omg that is so cute."

"I hope so. Anyways can you take her out for a few hours on Saturday?"

"Yeah of course. I'll text her right now and set something up."

B: Hey Caittttyyyyyyyy don't plan anything for Saturday afternoon. We are going on a sister date        :P

C: Last time we went on a sister date you told me off for not opening up to Katie. What did I do this time?

B: Err nothing? But its my birthday soon I was going to make you buy this pair of shoes I want

C: Always a secret agenda with you isn't it

B: But you love me

C: somedays... anyways yes see you Saturday

"Alright we are all set!!"

"Thank you! Now I just got to get everything else in order."

"Let me know if you need any help okay? If not, I'll pick her up like 1 on Saturday"

1 PM came around on Saturday and Bailey picked her sister up as promised. Bailey got the shoes that she wanted and the two girls grabbed some lunch before Bailey finally received a text that they were free to come home.

Dropping Caitlin back off of at home she grabbed her arm before her sister had the chance to get out of the car, "Hey you know mom and dad would be so proud of you right?"

"Uh thanks, but where did that come from"

"I don't know just was thinking about them on the ride home. Now get out of here go hang out with your fiancé doing whatever you guys do."

"Alright whatever weirdo. I'll see you later this week for your birthday."

She was about to walk in the front door, but saw a note attached to the door. 

I am hidden somewhere in the house and need you to try to find me! Make your way to the first place we kissed in this house to find your next clue.
Love, Katie

She was a little confused, but walked into the house and made her way to the kitchen to find another note.

So happy you found your first clue. The spot of the first of many amazing kisses with you in our home. You're one step closer to finding me. Now make your way to where we had our first fight here.

Love, Katie

Caitlin headed outside to the backyard and found the next clue. Smirking to herself because she finally had an inkling about what was happening. 

You found the clue! It may be the spot of our first fight, but unfortunately probably not our last and thats okay. We are both a little stubborn at times so it is bound to happen, just know I love you more and more every day and that will never change. Now make your way to the first place we did it in our home ;)
Love, Katie

Sprinting upstairs she went into the bathroom.  She was smiling and laughing to herself wondering why they chose to have sex in the shower for their first time. Not that she was complaining. 

You have made it to the last clue baby. Come find me in the room that I get to kiss you good morning and good night in for the rest of our lives. I'm waiting for you.
Love, Katie

Caitlin ran out of the bathroom and into their bedroom so quickly. She opened the door to find Katie down on one knee with a bouquet of flowers and ballons that spelled out "Be Mine?"

"You found me"

"I'll always find you baby."

"Caitlin, you may have technically already made this official but I want you to know how much I care for and love you too.  You are the first thing I think of when I wake up, the last thing on my mind when I go to sleep. You make me better in every possible way. Without you I would lose my mind. I want you to be mine forever. I love you like crazy. I love your little sister and I would do anything to keep both of you safe.  Do me the honor of being my wife? I would love nothing more than making you apart of my big crazy family."

Caitlin didn't realize she could possible smile so hard. She kept nodding her head, but couldn't form because she was trying not to let any tears fall.  Katie got up and slipped the ring on her finger. "Thank you for making me the happiest girl alive."

"You do that for me too" Caitlin said kissing her, "This was so cute. I will remember this for the rest of my life. We can never sell this house now can we?"

"I don't think we can," Katie said smiling as they pressed their foreheads together. 

"Tell me one thing though,"

"Of course what is it?"

"Please don't tell me you had mine or any of your sisters secretly film this?"

"Oh no not a soul is in this house"

"Good because we are going to return to all of those spots you just sent me too and make some new memories. How does that sound?"

"Kitchen first!" Katie said as she grabbed Caitlin's hand and dragged her down stairs and then pushed her roughly against the counter.  Clothes discarded shortly after.

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