Chapter 3

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Caitlin woke up early unable to really sleep after the events of last night. She leaned over to kiss Katie's forehead who was still blissfully asleep and got out of bed to make her way down the hall. She got to the guest room and peaked in to see her sister. Caitlin made her way in and crawled into bed with her. Bailey slightly opened her eyes at the sudden move of the bed.
"Morning 9" she said groggily
"Morning 7" Caitlin replied smiling briefly at the childhood nicknames for one another in reference to their soccer numbers.
Caitlin scooted over so their foreheads were touching.
"I will murder both of them if you want me too. No one on this earth is allowed to hurt my little sister."
"Katie told you then?"
"No details. And only that those two are the reason you are upset."
"Well if you want the details I'll fill you in on how my boyfriend and best friend have been sleeping together for four months. I just feel stupid for not seeing it coming. When I think back on it there were definitely signs I just didn't notice."
"In no way is this your fault okay. They did a very shitty thing to you. I'm going to be here to help you through it all if you will let me in Bales."

Bailey took a deep breath and decided to go for it and start the deep conversation she's been trying to avoid for years.
"That's the thing Cait. I feel like I shouldn't burden you with my problems. You've been dealing with my issues for years now. And I uh well sometimes I think that you resent me a bit for being the reason behind their accident."

Bailey hadn't been looking at her sister when she said that. And then noticed that Caitlin wasn't answering. Almost confirming her worst fears. She could feel tears forming.
"I mean it's okay if you do feel that way. I wouldn't blame you." Bailey said as she tried to roll away from Caitlin.
Once she felt Bailey try to move away she grabbed her and turned her back around making her look at her. The two girls had the exact same eyes. It was almost like looking in a mirror. But this mirror showed two pairs of puffy red eyes with tears flowing.
"Look at me Bailey. There hasn't been and there never will be a day in my life that I will blame you for what happened. Because it wasn't your fault. There was nothing you could have done to prevent it from happening or save them. Okay?
Do you want to know what I was thinking when I got the call you three were hurt? Of course I was scared for all of three of you. Of course I would have done anything to keep our parents alive. But I was most worried for you. You're my little sister. From the day you were born. No from the time mom was pregnant with you I have always been so protective of you. I never want to see you hurt or upset. When you were in that hospital bed and not waking up I thought my world had ended. But then you woke up and I swore I'd do whatever it took to help you get through this. So no "I haven't been dealing with your issues" I just want to help you. As your sister. I love you so much."
Bailey had always been able to tell when her sister was lying and this wasn't one of those times. She truly meant all of that.
"You really mean that don't you? Then why don't you share you're feelings when we talk about our parents. Why do you always get so closed off? I thought you were just hiding the fact that you blame me."
"No it's definitely not that. I don't know why. I just felt like I had to be strong for you. And then over time I never was able to express it. And now it would just be too much."
"Well I think you got to open up. If not to me then to Katie. She deserves to know all of you."
"I know she does."

By this time the girls had stopped crying. The sound of Katie in the kitchen cooking breakfast breaking their silence.
"Thank you for always being there for me Cait. I'm sorry Ive been shutting you out recently. I'll try to be better. We are okay right?"
"Yes of course we are okay. I will always be here for you. It's me and you 7."
"Me and you 9. Now let's go see what your lovely gf made us to eat."
Caitlin laughed as they made their way to the kitchen. She saw Katie with her headphones in and snaked her hands around her waist, kissing her neck.
"Ew can you guys stop. I am going through a breakup you know."
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't even think." Caitlin said getting embarrassed.
"I'm kidding Cait. Butttttt if you do see them I give you permission to murder both."
Katie and Caitlin smirked at that. The green light they needed. Just in case.

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