Chapter 7

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Caitlin woke up early the next day and realized everyone else in the room was still asleep. She slowly moved out of the bed make sure not to wake Katie up and snuck out of the room going down to the kitchen to make some coffee. No one in the house was up yet so it was quiet. She got to thinking of her date last night and started to twirl her new ring around her finger as her flashbacks continued.

"So what did I do to deserve being taken on this hot date?" Caitlin laughed as she got in the car with Katie.
"I just know my family can be a lot at times and there's a lot of us. So just wanted some time alone with my girl."
"Your girl huh?"
"Your my girl Foordy. Don't forget it." She said giving her a quick kiss as she continued down the road.
They made their way to the center of Dublin and took an elevator ride up to the top floor a building. When they stepped out Caitlin saw a view of the whole city.
"This is beautiful Kate"
"Yeah it's one of my fav views of the city. And they have amazing food here. Come on our reservation is ready."
The girls splurged on an appetizer, two large main dishes and shared a dessert to top it off. The conversation flowed easily the whole night with tons of laughter. "God I am so stuffed."
Caitlin said putting her hands on her stomach. "But thank you tonight has been so lovely."
"I got one more thing for you tonight."
Caitlin looked at her excitedly as Katie pulled a ring box out of her purse. Causing Caitlin's face to drop.
"Don't worry I'm not proposing. But dang by the look on your face it looks like you would have said no."
"No no! It's not that it just I was surprised. Shocked. What's in the box?" Caitlin quickly tried to change the subject. She was trying to avoid talking about why her face dropped. It only did cause she wanted to be the one to propose. She had the ring in the works.

Katie opened up the box to show a Cartier love ring.
"It's a promise ring. I just have loved every second of us together Cait and I couldn't imagine my life without you. You're my girl. I wouldn't change anything about us for the world. I love you."
"It's beautiful. Thank you so much! I love it. I love you!" Caitlin said slipping the ring on her middle finger. She got up to walk to Katie's side of the table and leaned down to give her a passionate kiss.
After the bill was paid they walked hand in hand through the city streets. Neither wanting this night to end. Then out of the corner of their eye they saw a club which seemed everyone was going into.
"Want to go have some fun?" Katie grinned mischievously
"Lead the way babe"
They walked in and quickly took some shots and got some drinks. Eventually they made their way to the dance floor and hide off onto the side where no one would recognize them. As drunk as they both were and loud and fast as the music was playing. They quickly found their bodies pressed closely together. Soon they were making out like teenagers. Hands freely roaming everywhere.
"Bathroom now. We can't exactly go back to your house can we?" Caitlin said into Katie's ear which gave her goosebumps.
Immediately grabbing Caitlin's arm she ran towards the bathroom and pushed her into a stall slamming the door shut. It was barely seconds before they were back to feeling each other up. Katie's hands soon dipped below Caitlin's waistband quickly followed by Caitlin doing the same to Katie. They worked their fingers in rhythm with one another as their foreheads were pressed together and the occasional desperate kiss was given.
"I'm really close Katie"
"Me too. Together?" Was all Katie could muster out before they both fell apart into an out of breath mess.
"We should do that more often omg that was good."
Katie laughed to herself giving Caitlin one more kiss. We should go home before they send a search team out.

Katie's mom walked into the kitchen quickly shaking Caitlin out of her flashback which at the point when her mom walked in was more of a sex dream so she felt her cheeks burning a little red from embarrassment.
"Everything alright honey? You're up early"
"Oh yeah just couldn't sleep I guess"
"Anything you want to talk about. I'm all ears"
It's now or never Caitlin thought to herself.

"Actually hm. I should have thought this through better. I um I wanted to ask you if you would grant me the honor of marrying Katie. I mean not like right now. But I have a ring. I'm just kinda waiting for the right moment. But I want to get yours and Gary's approval first of course. I really love her. I'd do anything to keep her safe and happy."
"I approve" Katie's dad said coming in the kitchen smiling.
Her mom laughed at the nonchalantness of her husband.
"Of course we approve. We can see how much two love each other. We are so happy you and your sister are going to be apart of this family forever."
"Thank you that means so much" Caitlin said tearing up.
"No no tears! Now come on go wake all of those girls up. I'm pretty sure all of them are hungover but I'm going to pretend they aren't. Especially my baby Lauryn but I heard her bang into every wall possible on her way upstairs. Now go we have just under 2 hours before we have to get everyone out of her to my sisters for Christmas Eve lunch."
Caitlin laughed. She didn't realize Lauryn got drunk last night. But thinking about how secretive the girls had been yesterday while getting ready it made sense.
She went upstairs to find them all asleep and woke Katie up first.
She was groggy and just wanted to cuddle into Caitlin. "You got to get up babe and help me wake up these demons we call little sisters."
"Ugh fine."
Caitlin shook Bailey who immediately threw her pillow at Caitlin. "Goodmorning to you too damn"
Katie got up and shook Jade first. And then Ella and Lauryn. Lauryn immediately put her hands on her head. "God why does my head hurt so much?"
"Cause you have a hangover. Welcome to the adult life Laur." Ella laughed at the pain her little sister was in.
"You were drunk?"
"You two let her get drunk?!"
Katie yelled at her sisters.
"Katie chill. We all did at her age. You took me to my first party and let it happen too." Jade said
Katie was giving them the death glare so Lauryn decided to take the attention off of her.
"At least I wasn't making out with a boy like Bailey was."
Everyone in the room turned to look at her and she immediately grabbed the pillow that she threw at Caitlin and covered her head with it.
"Thanks for that Lauryn."
"Boy?! What boy?" Caitlin interrogated.
"According to Bailey she finds him really hot." Ella added laughing at Baileys embarrassment.
"Did he text you yet?"
Bailey forgot about the fact he was going to text her and her phone was on the other side of the room. Unlucky for her Caitlin knew exactly where her phone was and grabbed it first.
"Hey Bailey it's Drew. I had a great time with you tonight. Im kinda busy with Family stuff the rest of the break, but wanna hang out in London when you get back?" Of course Caitlin read it in a mocking tone too.
"Ugh you all are so annoying" Bailey said finally grabbing her phone back. "Im showering first." She said heading out the door acting way more irritated then she actually was. As soon as she locked herself in the bathroom she answered him immediately saying she would to hang out and smiled to herself the rest of the time she was in the shower. She couldn't wait to get home now.

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