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Winter steps out from the bath and wraps a pale cobalt towel around her body. She pads into her bedroom to get dressed but her mobile starts to ring before she can.

"Hello?" She says into it and waits for the caller to speak as she hadn't looked at the Caller ID.

"Hey, hun! How did it go last night?" Samantha's voice booms through the phone and Winter perches on her bed.

"It went really well, I played the piano very good and everyone enjoyed it." Winter explains excitedly and they continue to speak for a little while.

They came to near the end of their conversation and Winter feels that it would be unfair to not mention her encounter with Harry.

"I met Harry again." Winter mumbles into the phone. She hears a gasp from the other line.

"Oh my god! Tell me everything!" Sam orders enthusiastically.

Winter tells her everything about their meeting, including what happened at the hotel room -obviously not into too much detail. They eventually end up halting their phone call and Winter finally gets dressed into jeans and a pastel pink blouse.

She suddenly hears her phone buzz and sees a message.

Harry - 'Winter, eight months ago I made the stupidest decision of my life. I regret it more than anything and I feel like we have wasted so much time because of it. We can't waste anymore. I'm sorry for all the pain that I caused to you. I was wrong, incredibly wrong. I have always loved you. H x'

Winter's heart swoons and she feels giddy again. She had been waiting for this message since she had departed from him. Her heart feels as though it is literally singing.

Her fingers rapidly type back a response; she agrees with everything he says and ends the text message with 'Try again?'

She sits impatiently awaiting his answer. Her heartbeat can be heard in her ears until she catches the phone buzz again.

Harry - 'Yes, definitely x'

She stands up straight away before running on the spot in happiness. Her feeling escalated so highly as she realised that her future looked bright.

If somebody had told her that she would be doing this today, she probably would have laughed in their face. But she was.

Her body felt like it was going to explode as she tried to contain her giddiness.

She wasn't rejected! The love of her life had shown her that she was basically his world and her heart was leaping.

Before he returned, her life was only based around piano. Nothing else.

Now, her life had another meaning.

Harry smiled wildly while sitting on the leather couch of his new hotel room. When he entered it, he immediately thought about the old hotel room and what happened inside of it.

His phone was in the palm of his hand and his eyes were peering at it. Winter and him were back together. He can't help but to perform a subtle fist punch. Then cringing at his action.

He decides to call Winter and she answers rapidly.

"Harry! Hello." Her voice is cheery.

"Hey, Winter. How are you this fine morning?" He questions.

"We only last saw each other two hours ago." She states, giggling.

"Anyway.." He changes the subject, "I was wondering whether you would like to accompany me somewhere next Saturday." I offer.

"A date?" Her voice is excitable.

"Yes. Saturday is the only day I could get off from rehearsals and performing the-" I ramble but am interrupted.

"I would love to." She replies. "I'm smiling like an idiot right now."

"I am too." Harry remarks, "Thank you for giving me another chance."

"You're welcome, Harry. I love you." Winter says quickly.

"I won't let you down. I love you too, baby." He replies, realising that baby was basically her nickname for him.

"Okay." There's a knock on his hotel door.

"There's someone at my door, I better go. I'll speak to you later." He states.

"Okay, bye." Were the last words from her mouth before she hung up.

Harry stands and steps to the door. It opens to reveal Niall.

"Hey." He greets Harry and he smiles.

"Hello." Harry moves away from the door so Niall could enter.

"I was bored so I thought that I would see you." Niall closes the door while Harry sits back down, plugging the charger into his laptop. "Can I order room service?"

"Yes, go on." Harry declares so Niall goes to retrieve the piece of card with room service on it, dialling the number.

Harry proceeds to turn the laptop on, going onto the internet.

"What are you doing?" Niall asks as he sits back down on the other chair.

"Ordering roses to be sent to Winter." Harry confesses and Niall smirks.

"You are just head over heels, aren't you?" He laughs and Harry's eyes roll.

"Oh shush."

Harry decides that he may as well get her a few small gifts. What store does she like, again? Oh yes, Lush.

He clicks onto the Lush website and orders one of the gift boxes, putting her address down. There was also an option to put a message so he did, signing it off from him.

"Are you still buying things?" Niall questions, peering at his laptop screen.

"No, I'm done now."

"You like spoiling her?" Niall teases.

"Some people deserve to be spoiled." Harry comments and Niall nods understandingly. They were both thinking of Jessica at that moment. Harry was beyond grateful to be out of that dreadful relationship.

"I can't believe how quickly everything has happened. Leaving Jessica, meeting Winter, it has changed your life in less than 24 hours." Niall comments, almost to himself.

"24 hours and a piano can change somebody's life in more ways than you think." Harry states mindfully.

His words were ridiculously truthful and he realised just how relatable they were for the both of them.

Winter and Harry had known each other for basically the past three years. They were always in love, Harry never doubted that. And their love was never to going to leave.

People always recall the first person that they properly loved - the person that received the most love from another. To Harry, that was Winter. To Winter, that was Harry. There was a magnet on both of them that inevitably attracted each other.

They owned two hearts that belonged together.

And nothing would ever change that.


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Thank you for reading! I hope that you enjoyed!

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Once again, thank you and goodbye x

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