Regarding Conner

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After they return from their latest adventure the crew is greeted by numerous questions mainly by two discovered Warriors.

Beth: "Where did you find him?"

Chris: "We have been looking everywhere. Is he ok?"

Beth: "Does he know about his mother?"

Chris: "Does he know his daddy loves him?!"

The sound of claws dragging along a chalkboard makes everyone cringe into silence.

"Sorry, but you two weren't letting us get a word in." Cake says.

Danny: "Look we all have questions but Conner is safe and healthy."

"Yeah, so tell us how you ended up on Cyclopia?"

Chris takes a deep breath, "You all know by now that we were searching for Conner."

"And that you got lost. Which reminds me." Wallow sends a message to the Courageous Battlers.

"Desperate for leads Chris insisted on seeking a medium and that led us there." Beth said "And just as I predicted no Conner."

"But your dad was there."

"Yeah years ago and because of him we got captured."

"And saved by the people that found and took in your baby." Cake said.

"Whatever the point is we're no longer lost and neither is Conner. Now Chris can finally meet his son and we can start working on getting our team back on track."

"Uh, Beth how exactly do you think this will work with Conner."

"Well if he's not adopted then obviously Chris would take him in."

"Does Conner already have a loving family?"

"No/Yes." Fiona and Cake stare at each other. "What do you mean by that?"

"Look guys Conner is-"

"Incoming Call from Mr. Kirkman."

"Danny we just got Wallow's text and Chris! It's you oh it's always been Wankershim!"

"Hey, Dad! Guess what Danny and Wallow-"

"Saved you and now you can meet Conner." his mother added.

"Oh right, you've met him already. So what's he like?"

"Sweet and curious just like you were as a baby."

"Okay..." weird response. "So is he with you or-"

"He's on Earth, sweetie. Oh, wait till you meet Gary and Marshall Lee."

"Who are they?"

"Our friends."

"And Conner's foster parents." his dad adds. "Oops got to go sport! Trouble. See you soon." they logged off.

"I'm glad to see my parents. Plus the meeting Conner saves time."

"Yeah so about Conner's living situation."

"You're not taking my baby!"


Danny: "Sorry about that man. Whenever Marshall and Gary are working Cake is their go-to babysitter."

Wallow: "And after we found out about the Plum incident she's grown very protective of him."

"I see." he kneels to her level. "Thank you for protecting my boy I know I did a poor job but I assure you I only want the best for him."

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