Look beyond what you see

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The day starts at RBMore Express Delivery Company. Everyone is gathered at the meeting room table. Fionna, Beth, Cake, Wallow, Danny, and Ellis all finished Explaining to the Professor, and Hermes about the Long Black unicorn in the room.

"So let me see if I have this right. After the trial, you met Lord Mono, and he told you all that a horrible evil is on the rise and now you all need to train whenever you can even on company time."


"Hmm. Did you speak with the UOOPP about this Lich?"

"Yes, but they can only inform the space police to keep an eye out since no one has ever seen or heard of this entity."

"Then I suppose I don't see the harm in you training here. We do have a home gym. But when I have a job for you I expect you to do it no question. Understood?"

"Yes, professor."

"Good now if there are no further questions or announcements meetings adjourned." Everyone leaves to go about their day.


"So Mono what do you plan to do while we work?"

"I think I'll explore Earth for a while and retire back to the stables."

"Are you enjoying living at the hideout?"

"It's peaceful and their plenty of apples to enjoy. And the critters are so unique and diverse. Miss Napkins makes an excellent apple pie."

"That's good to hear."

Giovanna appears on a screen, "Attention all employees. Please Report to my chambers for a private exhibition."

Everyone exchanges confused glances with one another.

Giovanna's Bedroom.

Giovanna sits on his four-post bed and the staff and Mono gather around.

"Everyone gets in bed with me. I have something to show you." Everyone climbs on and the curtains around the bed close.

"Feast your eyes on this!" Everyone gasps.

"It's beautiful," Fiona said in awe.

"And huge." Said, Ellis.

"Can I touch it?" Cake asked.

Giovanna holds a big glowing atom.

Zoidberg: "So what is it, already?

"It's a single atom of jumbonium, an element so rare the nucleus alone is worth more than $50,000."

"How much more?"

"100,000. That's why I hid it here, under my mattress."

"Uh, Professor, can we discuss this somewhere else?"

"Why certainly."

Bathroom. Giovanna sits in the bath in a wetsuit, while still holding the atom. A toy scale model of the ship floats in the bath with her.

"The atom sits atop this dimestore tiara which will be awarded to the winner of this year's Miss Universe pageant on the planet Tova 9." SHe puts the atom on the tiara and it floats. "Your job is to deliver it, safe and sound."

"Wow! When I was a little on Mars every female I knew dreamed of being Miss Universe."

"That's kinda pathetic."

Fionna: "Aw, come on, Beth. Deep down all girls and some boys wanna be Miss Universe."

"Not me."

"Really? Maybe it's just sweet girls." Beth glares at Fred.

Bravest Warriors meet Fionna and CakeWhere stories live. Discover now