What do you get when you mix a Plum, a Lich and a Horse?"

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On the news channel.
"Our top story today. The re-trial of Plumberly Ann, otherwise known as Plum has taken effect. We go live with our Merwif correspondent, Quince. How's it going so far, Quince?"

"Slow, but as for the people behind me this trial has caught the attention of every resident of the planet and next." She stops to ask a civilian. "Excuse me sir how do you feel about this?"

"I think everyone deserves a fair trial but I do hope she is kept far away from defenseless children and her powers are taken away."

"For those who are recently tuning in Plum, a Mervadah resident: One of two daughters of a memory Donk and a merwif. Was once an honorary member of the Bravest Warriors. She helped them on missions and was there when they found their predecessors. But this lovely Merwif was hiding a terrible secret. When she and Chris Kirkman dated they had a baby boy but Plum had thrown that child into a wormhole never to be seen again, she wiped the memories of those who knew of him to cover her tracks. But she slipped up and was incarcerated by the authorities but with the recent development of Conner Kirkman's return both alive and well this trial may lead to a less harsher sentence."

"Quince, what can you tell us about who's being asked to speak at this hearing?"

"I was sworn not to divulge that but I think it's pretty obvious who's been asked."


"Plum is an evil lying witch and should be put in a cell with the key thrown away," Danny shouted which caused a stir in the room.

"Order! Order in the court, Mr. Vasquz we have not even started yet. May you please sit down?"

He complies.

"Your Honor, my client has been accused of the following: Attempted infanticide, and Mind Manipulation but if you hear her reason you'll see why she did it?"

"Plumberly Ann, what do you say?"

"You honor I know to many of you I hurt an innocent child but if you knew what I knew he'll become you would have done the same."

Cake yells, "BULL!"

The gavel bangs for silence, "Explain."

"Before Conner was born, I met this little guy in a tux and book. He told me if I didn't do what was in the book then the future would be doomed," she explained her past with the Concierge. "It felt that everything was going fine even when Conner was born. However, I found out that the little man was lying to me. This wasn't for the greater good this was for his selfish and nefarious purposes to ensure his future!"

"And YOU TOOK IT OUT ON OUR SON!" Chris cried out.

"Mr. Kirkman remain seated. Ms. Plum explain yourself."

"The reason I did it was because the Evil man was Conner and no matter how we raised him he'd end up destroying everything in the universe!"

Everyone started shouting at jer statement and arguments flared.

"Objection! This trial is focused on the now, not the possible future." said the prosecutor.

"hmm. If that were the case why not just tell the others and find a solution."

"I wasn't thinking then. All I knew was that I had to act fast and so when that portal appeared I launched Conner into it and the Guy disappeared. I hated what I did and I was afraid of my friends finding out because of my lies especially if it turned out that I did kill him. But now I know it didn't and that guy is no more. I swear I won't harm him or anyone again."

"Regardless of the greater good, you still broke the law and misused your abilities. Now we shall take a moment to go over this."


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