nine ⊹˚.⋆

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(adj.) softly bright or radiant

) softly bright or radiant

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Press had noticed the more he hung out with Anna, due to mutual friends, and a slight interest in the girl, that she was constantly cold.

Even when the weather wasn't as cold as today.

the first time he noticed was on one of your many hangouts in Brody's basement. the group had been loudly practicing for their band rehearsals, smoking from the bong, and playing never have I ever.

and anna was somehow sleeping through the whole thing, just the thought made press laugh to himself. Anna had comfortably drifted to sleep, taking up a whole couch, across from the smokers.

Your friends were all in little clothes due to the heat but had forgone turning on the aircon due to press' insistence that anna would freeze.

Which everyone present had found odd, press' overprotectiveness of anna despite barely knowing the girl. But press had put on a scary enough face that none of the teens would snitch to anna.

Anna was covered in a heap of blankets as she always find yourself feeling so cold her fingernails go a blue-is tint and her shoulders shake. so, in an attempt to prevent herself from becoming cold she were close to smothered in big blankets, so many Press found it hard to spot you among them.

Anna were a funny sight, curled in the corner in a heap of blankets, despite that the tips of her nose and ears glowing red and her body still wracked with shivers in her sleep.

Maxine and Norah watched as Press proceeded to take a pause in his gaming with the boys, ignoring their protests, to retrieve something from the cabinets. Press had gone to get Anna yet another blanket in an attempt to quell her incessant shivering and sniffling. even with all those blankets anna's symptoms didn't cease.

Press hadn't meant to draw so much attention to you that night, he swore to himself he only cared about Anna's inability to keep warm due to mutual friends, even though he knew it was a lie, an excuse to take care of Anna.

and their group of friends had started to notice his, slightly, abnormal behaviour. their gruff, asshole of a friend was constantly trying, and failing, to cover up how much he cared for anna.

Press noticed annas current predicament, her impending frozen body. anna felt increasingly cold. her telltale signs of sniffly nose, lips turning a purple hue, a shiver creeping up her spine tipped Press off.

Press was trying to get Anna as warm as he possibly could in this weather. The hot chocolate, offering her his jacket, to which she repeatedly declined, pouting when he forced the puffer over her smaller frame, engulfing her body.

press couldn't help the boisterous laugh that escaped him at the comical sight of you wrapped up as if you were a penguin in the snow. giggles left his lips at the sight of Anna in his jacket. Or rather the lack of sight of her in his jacket.

Between boyish laughter Press choked out, "Oh.. my, god.. you look, like a marshmallow, anna!" At this, Anna's smile at his antics threatened to peak past her pout. So anna simply hid her face, pulling the hood over her mouth, embracing the marshmallow.

"oh no.. where has my sweet anna gone?" Anna giggled, biting her lip to repress laughter spilling out.

But it was no use, Press made her laugh.


𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙩 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨Where stories live. Discover now