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1. The Nameless King by BellOfSilence

Title - 10/10

Cover - 9/10

Blurb - 9/10

Plot - 13/15

Creativity - 13/15

Grammar - 11/15

Characters - 4/5

Interaction with reader - 4/5

Overall - 13/15

Total: 88/100

Review: I love how intriguing and unique the plot is. The characters and their dialogues are equally compelling. There are a few grammar errors here and there, but overall, you've got me hooked by the premise.

2. Freeing Anvi by romance_lover16

Title - 8.5/10

Cover - 8.5/10

Blurb - 9/10

Plot - 10/15

Creativity - 10/15

Grammar - 13/15

Characters - 4/5

Interaction with reader - 4/5

Overall - 10/15

Total: 77/100

Review: Being abandoned by your pack and abused by those who provide a roof over your head, only to have the Alpha (king, in this case) as your mate, is unfortunately not an original plot. Neither is the potential love triangle or the evil step-sisters. But the title and the blurb prevent me from dropping this book. It's not easy to be free from one's tormentors, and the lack of self esteem in Anvi proves that her journey is not going be a walk in the park. So I'm curious as to where this story leads. 

3. The Curse of Lykaon by Werepanther

Title - 9/10

Cover - 7/10

Blurb - 7/10

Plot - 12/15

Creativity - 11/15

Grammar - 11/15

Characters - 3/5

Interaction with reader - 3/5

Overall - 11/15

Total: 74/100

Review:  It is a bit confusing to keep up with what's happening, but the way the first five chapters is written compels me to read further. I suggest moderating the story pace by accurately describing the characters' actions and reactions. Doing this will provide some breathing space for readers. I'm not a fan of the frequent POV switches and the italicized first names, so I suggest following Rhea only....her voice is realistic and somewhat fresh. Plus, keeping Lycius' problems and relationship with Rhea a secret can make the story engaging.

4. Ladorum by EvilMaybeWriter

Title - 9/10

Cover - 8/10

Blurb - 7/10

Plot - 12/15

Creativity - 11/15

Grammar - 11/15

Characters - 3/5

Interaction with reader - 3/5

Overall - 11/15

Total: 75/100

Review: More of a slasher than a simple hex or a cursed werewolf story, I was more intrigued to read this story (gave me the total Annabelle, Scream and Mama vibes). However, the first five chapters is just the setup of the elaborate cast you have and the scenes of them receiving the nonsensical invite. I understand character introductions are vital in story telling, since the readers do need to root (and pray) for the characters later on...but I feel this could've been presented better. Like, as they enter the house and encounter the horrors from within...the readers would be hooked. Especially with Desmond from Chapter 5, you'll have the opportunity of providing wicked twists...which is the most important element of a paranormal horror. 

5. The Cursed Gift by footnoteofhappiness

Title - 8/10

Cover - 7.5/10

Blurb - 8/10

Plot - 11/15

Creativity - 10/15

Grammar - 10/15

Characters - 3/5

Interaction with reader - 2/5

Overall - 10/15

Total: 68.5/100

Review: The plot is interesting, but the narration and the multiple grammar errors (overall, the presentation) makes it dull. Also, it's a bit hard to keep up when many characters are prent in the scene (I was thrown off when there was a Ryker and a Ryder). So I suggest polishing this story, in order for readers to grasp and feel what's happening.


First Position - The Nameless King by BellOfSilence

Second Position -  Freeing Anvi by romance_lover16

Third Position - Ladorum by EvilMaybeWriter


Thank you everyone for your cooperation and also a special thanks to RookWri78 for judging this genre!


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