Chapter 18

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[ Reading keys ]


Character's name : " Talking is like this "

Character's name : * Actions during talking are like this *

Character's name : {Inner talking, inner voices & thoughts are like this}

( Author talking )

Things I want you to focus on are underlined


In order to avoid getting any unwanted attention during the mission, the hunt for the wild devil had to be postponed until dusk since it was much safer at that late time. 

[ Time skip until midnight ]

After darkness fell over the sky, Rias, Sona, Tsubaki, and Atreus (Issei's replacement) departed from the ORC and made their way to the site of the wild devil's lair, using a teleportation spell to create a portal through which they skipped most of the way.

[ Meanwhile at their destination ]

* 🌀 Portal forming 🌀 *

All four : " * Exit the portal * "

On the other side of the portal, they've found themselves standing in front of an abandoned psychiatric hospital like those shown in horror movie where a lot of crazy shit happens all the time.

On the other side of the portal, they've found themselves standing in front of an abandoned  psychiatric hospital like those shown in horror movie where a lot of crazy shit happens all the time

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Sona : " * Inspecting the place * This must be the place. "

Atreus : " So the wild devil we're after is supposed to be here ? "

Sona : " With no doubt. "

Rias : " You sure, Sona ? "

Tsubaki : " Miss Sona never makes mistakes when it comes to serious missions like this one. * Adjusts her glasses * You know that better than anyone else, Miss Rias. "

Rias : " It's really a terrible place to visit at night. "

Sona : " * Mocking her playfully * What's the matter, Rias ? S-C-A-R-E-D ? "

Rias [ Pissed off ] : " * Blush slightly * What! I'm not coward. It's just... * Holding her left arm * It's just so uncomfortable here. "

Atreus : " * Comforting her while petting her shoulder * No need to worry, Rias. You're not alone in this. "

Rias : " * Smiling * Thanks, Atreus. You're really so kind and supportive person. "

Atreus : " What's the point of allies if they're not meant to have each others' backs ? "

I'm the heir of the god of war ( Adult Atreus x DXD Harem )Where stories live. Discover now