Interview 2.

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Y/n's Pov

I woke up the next morning with my phone buzzing. I don't have alarms in the morning since my last job I didn't work morning shift. So it must've meant someone was calling me. I grabbed my phone from under my pillow and I see that it's the company that was calling me. The place I did an application for. Oh my days. This must've meant I got the job. "Hello?" I answered

"Is this Mrs. L/n I am speaking to?" The lady on the other side of the call said

"Uh yes, how can I help you" I said

"Mrs. L/n we would like to give you an interview at the ExtraClean building. If you are interested please meet us in the lobby at the entrance of the building. At 9:45am. Thank you for taking your time to answer this phone call. I appreciate it." The women said then cut the call, I don't know why but the way she said 'appreciate it' sounded so familiar, it's almost as if she has said that to me before, her voice even sounded familiar, what ever let's just be happy I got the job people interested in hiring me.

I got ready for the day, I brushed my hair, cleaned my teeth, made my bed, did my skin care. The whole time I was getting ready I had to use my phones flashlight because there was literally no electricity. I put on some nice clothes and went put to start my walk to the interview. The ExtraClean Building was far, from my home it was in the city, and I live far away from the city.  It would take me 3hrs to walk there and I am not trying to do that in heels.

I first walked all the way to the closest convenience store near me that took like 12 minutes to walk there. Then I ate the food I bought. I then walked to the closet train, I paid the money for the ride and waited. My stop was the 5th stop so I had to wait while everyone else was dropped off at there stops.

The train dropped me off in the city but not at the ExtraClean building so I had to walk from the train station all the way to the ExtraClean building. On the way there, I was fixing up my makeup, drank water and kept reusing my deodorant and perfume, so I didn't stink. I Kept using my dry shampoo and brushing my hair so it didn't look greasy.  It took me 1hr to get there, the whole time I was in the city I walked. 

I found the building and around the corner from it was the apartment complex I want to move into. It will be very helpful if I did, so then I didn't have to walk long distances to work everyday.

I walked into the building, it was currently 9:32am, my interview starts at 9:45am. I'm very happy that the time to get here didn't take that long. I walked in and like the lady on the phone said I was welcomed by the lobby. She told me to wait here until it was my turn. Luckily i looked presentable, matter of fact, I thought I looked good actually. Really good. My hair was in a nice clean back bun. Massacre didn't smudge or melt. Wow I'm impressed. I gave myself and little pat on the back.

Moments later it was now 9:50am, they still didn't call me in yet, I was getting a bit annoyed.
Then this lady with long black hair that reached her butt, came out of the elevator and called out for my name.

"L/n Y/n"

"ah yes that's me" I said

"Alright please follow me up here" She said then walked out the elevator and to the doors that lead to the other side of the lobby. Her voice was soft and calm, she sounded nothing like the lady on the phone. Her hair was long, she had a half up half down hair style, the same exact hair do like the lady in the ramen shop yesterday. She also had the exact sane outfit as the lady from the ramen shop. Hmm. Must be a coincidence, she what I thought.

I followed a good distance behind her. She took us to another elevator but why didn't she just use the one from the lobby. We walked into the elevator and she clicked on the fourth button so there must be four levels well five levels since it started with O. It read 'Level 0, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4'

The elevator took us there pretty fast. When we got to that level. It was silent, the doors opening were the only noise, the whole level was silent. We were greeting by a long hallway. A long empty hallway. At the very end of the hallway there was a women sitting on a desk, she was on the left side of the hallway, across from her where two big doors.

We reached her desk, and I instantly recognized her, her features weren't features someone could forget, her big green eyes, her very long lashes, her long white hair. She was the lady from the ramen shop, let's really hope she doesn't recognize me.

"Is she next" The ramen lady said not looking up from her computer, but stopped typing

"Yes ma'am" Was all the lady next to me said

"Alright take her to the room" Was what the ramen lady said then went back to typing on her computer.

The lobby lady took me to some room that was further away from the elevator and left me in there. All alone. The room was clean very clean, it had two big windows that had a good view to the city, there was one desk in here and one chair on each said of the desk, one chair facing the door and the other facing the window, away from the door. I sat on the chair that faced away from the door since that only seemed right. I stayed in there from a couple of minutes, all I can hear were the tics on the clock. Then the door behind me opened. Footsteps walked in they were heels that I heard.

The lady who had just walked in, came and sat in front of me with a few papers and a pen. When she looked at me she said, "oh brother" It was the ramen shop lady.


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