Notification 9.

10 1 0


Y/n's Pov

It's been three days since me and Hinata went to get ramen. It's been three days since I figured out how much power Hinata has over ExtraClean. It's been three days since Akaza went on a business trip. It's been three days since i've gotten accepted in the apartment complex. And throughout those three days my hatred for Akaza has only grown.

Station O is still getting treated so horrible. I complained about it to Hinata but she said the way the Stations are treated are not under her power so she can't do anything about it. Station O was still getting the leftovers of 1st break. Station O is never invited to the meetings. Daki is still sending people down to Station O. Akaza never changed his ways, he is still letting Daki get away with everything. I would go up to his office but I would get in trouble if I did.

Currently I was staring out the window, watching as the snow fell from the sky, it's been snowing everyday now. There was a big large window at the very end of the room. I was too busy in my thoughts. The noise in the back was getting louder and louder. It was a group of guys surrounding Douma and some girl again. They seemed pretty hyped about it. I've gotten used to Station O, and the way we are treated but it just didn't sit right with me. What did Akaza have against Station O, is it a punishment Station? Did Akaza really hate Douma that much till the point were a whole floor has to get punished?

I've learned some of my coworkers name, such as, Douma, Sanami, Genya, Mizuki, Nezuko, Giyuu, Kokushibo, Nene, and Jinnie. Must of the girls that were sent here are because of Daki, sh just hates any girl that gets a close connection with Akaza. And the new girl, Yumma, apparently she was sent here for plagiarism. I've adapted to the way they do things on this floor. Such as, every morning once the boys clock in, they have a wrestling match and whoever wind gets to have the first meal and leftover fruit at 2nd break.

I've also learned that Akaza visits the Stations to see what they are up to and to see if they've done any work, but he only visits the upper class men, so Stations, 2, 3, and 4, all the other stations he pays no mind to. He doesn't really care for what they are up to. That's probably why Daki said I won't be able to be near Akaza-Sama. Akaza isn't a very good CEO if you ask me, or maybe Station O influenced me into thinking he's terrible at his job, since almost everyone in here hates to his guts.

I got distracted out of my thoughts when my phone buzzed, it was a notification from Hinata. I wondered what it could be. Why was she texting me during her work. I pick up my pone and it read.

"Get ready for this brand new upgrade😆😆" What was she talking about? Upgrade? What does she mean upgrade. I placed my phone down and continued to watch the snowflakes fall. Moments later someone knocked on the entrance doors of the station. I turned around and saw it was Hanako, but what was she doing here.

Douma opened the door and she let herself in.
"Y/n-Chan, come here" She said

"OoOoooo" All of Station O said

"Someone's in troubleee" Douma said and Genya laughed

I walked over to Hanako, and followed her out. As we were walking door the stairs, she picked up a large gift bag that was Christmas themed. It was placed on a coffee table. The walk through the hallway was awkward and quiet the only sound was the sound of her heels making contact with the floor. We walked through the long hallway and up the stairs that lead to Station 1, past the entrance of station 1, then through the long hallway that leads to the stairs of Station 2, when we reached the Entrance of Station 2, she said

"Congratulations Y/n, you have been Upgraded to Station 2 by the word of Hinata-San. These people will be your new, coworkers, family, friends, whatever. You will be working here until you are a assigned a new Station."

"This will be your new uniform, a navy blue suit with a white long sleeved bottom down and a black tie. The bottom half will be a medium length, navy blue skirt, with white heels. You will keep your hair up in a high bun" She said handing me the gift bag.

"Congratulations on making your way up to Station 2, enjoy your stay" She said then walked away down the long empty hallway. I guess that means I just welcome myself in.

I opened the big doors and has welcomed by an amazingly cleaned floor, with a few Christmas decorations and a Christmas tree in the very back right corner. There were rows and rows of desks and walk ways between each row. Each person was sitting in there assigned tabled. There was a big stand in the front of the room on the left side, it was a coffee and beverages stand. There was Christmas music playing in the background. This place smelled good, like candy canes and hot chocolate.

The whole back wall was a ginormous window, to see the beautiful view of the city and the snow falling from the sky. There was some chatter, everyone was socializing with each other, I can hear them asking each other about their morning or if they can use a pen. They were typing, they were all typing. Doing their work and enjoying it. There wasn't any cleaning supplies or any broken glass on the floor, no broken up printers, not a single broken light. No junk on the floor, and there were rules, on the right wall there was a poster of rules.

"Hi there!" A girl said walking up to me, and not sneaking up on me like Douma usually would

"oh hii" I said back

"Oh look she must be the one Hinata-San was talking about on the intercom" Said a yellow haired boy walking from the beverage stand and up to me.

"You must be L/n Y/n" Said the girl, she had black hair with purple ends, her hair was also in a bun but she had her bangs out.

"uh yes I am Y/n" I said

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kocho Shinobu, station level 2" She said holding out her hand for me to shake

I shook her hand, shocked at the nice behavior. I can already tell that this place will be nothing like Station O.

"I'm Agatsuma Zenitsu, Station level 2" He said with a charming smile and also held out his hand for me to shake.

I shook is then another guy walked up to us and said

"Hashibira Inosuke, Station level 2" He said then forcefully shook my hand. Zenitsu glared at him.

"Welcome to Station 2" All of them said holding their arms out to me. I feel like I'm going to like this floor a lot more.


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