Tour 3.

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Y/n's Pov

"Oh brother" she said

I cleared my throat and look at her with an awkward smile, she stayed glaring at me, she looked very disgusted. But to be fair I didn't do anything wrong at all. So, she's just having a sour mood.

"Alright so you're L/n Y/n?" She asked me

"Yes, and you are" I said with a smile and held out my hand for a handshake

"Daki. But it's Ms. Daki-san to you" She said bitter and stared at my hand not willing to shake it.

"Alright then" I said awkwardly and placed my hand on my lap

"Before we get into anything, you're ramen girl right?" Daki said

I chuckled at this childish behavior, I mean come on now, why is she literally acting like this

"ah yes that will be me" I said

She scoffed then said "Alright good luck with this interview"

Welp. Was all I can think of.

"Let's seee" She started

"So what do you know about skin care, since this is a skin care company." She said as she began to write on the paper in front of her.

"Uh, well I do know that you're supposed to wash your hands before you touch your face" I said with an unsure look

"That won't do, give me more" She said, I lost some hope in getting this job, I should've known they would have such high expectations because of the high pay

"So boss has already looked at your application and he thinks really well of it. He said your intelligence can be used to good use. So great job on that. The job description says, 9500 yen, but that's only how much Station 1 gets paid, so he said he's planning to move you to Station 3, and Station 3 gets paid 17000 yen an hour, but you have't really impressed me, so I'm sending you off to Station O." She said then signed papers that had my name. She put the station I'm assigned to, the day I start work and everything, without my consent. "Congrats you got the job. Hanako is already waiting out there for you so leave now." She said then handed the papers to me then got up to leave

Geez I could've been getting paid 17000 yen an hour, ush I should've just kept my mouth shut.
I walked out the door and I see a girl standing there she had her hair in a high ponytail with two strains out in the front. She was not wearing light grey like the other two girls no. She was wearing a dark grey almost black but wasn't black, she had black heels with red bottoms and a black tie.

"Hi! You must be Y/n L/n, I'm Hanako Tachibana, level station 3, but you can just call me Hanako, I will be giving you a tour of the amazing ExtraClean building, here's my number card, if you have any questions just be sure to ring that bell! Get it? As in my phone ringing sound is a, oh forget it!" She said handing me a card. Her joke was very unfunny.

"This tour won't take very long, the long part is the explaining I'll have to do, I don't mind obviously but still it's a lot of work. If you will like me to introduce anyone, then just ask! Any questions?" She is so joyful and happy

"uh no not really" I said

"Alright then lets get started!!" Hanako said then took us to the elevator. Hanako Tachibana Level station 3, so I'm going to assume she works at the third floor. But why did she introduce herself using her Station level?

"So we will have to go outside to start the tour, because you really want to get the full image of the place" She said then pressed the O button in the elevator

We got to the bottom floor, then walked threw the lobby and out the door.

"Alright now that we are outside, you can see that this is how the ExtraClean building looks like from the outside. Once we walk in, we get welcomed by the amazingly organized lobby, usually there would be jazz music playing in the back but I guess Akaza-Sama choose not to play any today" Hanako said walking threw the doors of the lobby that connected to a bigger space

"Who's Akaza-Sama?" I asked

"We will get to that" Was what she said then continued walking

She turned to her right and said "This is the cafe, everyone visits here during their break time it, gets crowded very fast. but for you, you have 2nd break according to your papers, must suck" Hanako said showing me around the cafe

"What do you mean must suck? I asked

"Well 2nd break, is only for level Os, and I mean only This is basically the clean up break, you eat after everyone because all the other stations get 1st break, not including station 4. That means you eat at the dirty tables, you barely get any fruits because they are all run out, you never get any sweets because 1st break eats them all. And you sometimes won't even get fed because 1st break eats all the food, depends on what it is." Hanako said pointing to all the food options

"That's terrible" I said

"Yeah like you see all these good foods?" Hanako said

"Yeah?" I said

"Yeah you don't get to eat any" Hanako said

"What why?" I said

"Because you are assigned station O" She said pointing to the papers in her hand

"Yeah but why does station O get treated so badly?" I asked

"Because station O, is only for those who have really done it. Those who, are soon to be fired, those who, don't obey the rules, those who don't do their job, those that make the boss upset, those who, Daki-San doesn't like, etc." Hanako said

"Is this Akaza guy rude in any way?" I asked

"'Well he's cold, but not rude. He doesn't really care about anything but competition. But he does have high respect for women. He cares about them a lot. Who knows why.

"So if I were to ask him to switch me to station 3 would he?" I asked

"Of course he would" Hanako said

"oh that's good" I said to myself. Akaza seems nice.


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