Partnerships 15.

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Y/n's Pov

I found a seat next to Hinata. She explained to me what's going to happen throughout this meeting. So apparently we have been put in partnerships and each partnership has to come up with an idea, schedule, a collaboration, a meeting date, and a powerpoint. That doesn't seem too hard, I already had an Idea of who ExtraClean should collaborate with, but that only depends if I get a nice partner. If I do then maybe me and her could negotiate and explain our ideas together.

Hinata went  in front of the table and had a printed out list of all the partnerships. She called out each name, one by one.

"Hantengu and Sakura"

"Minato and Yui"

"Gyutaro and Tamayo"

"Daki and Katio" I chuckled hearing that one because I knew they hated each other to their guts. I waited Patiently for Hinata to say my name. After some partnerships she finally said my name.

"Y/n and Riku" I gasped I thought I was going to get partnered with a girl or even Hinata, but Riku?? He had a disgusting attitude. He probably wouldn't even let me talk, he'll probably just be talking about his own ideas the whole time.

"Nene and-" Before Hinata had the chance to finish Riku cut her off and said

"Can I switch partners? Or even work alone?" I don't know why but that really pissed me off, sure he's cute and all but did he really think he can switch partners, matter of fact, he should be happy were partners, I mean come one not to flex or anything but I wrote an eight page essay, helloo?

"Uhh No, Akaza assigned the partnerships by intelligence. He thinks you and Y/n will work nice together, so find a seat next to her and wait until I'm done giving instructions" Hinata said he only groaned and got up then seat right next to me.

And I mean right next to me, our chairs were touching, our knees were touching. He got into a comfortable position on his chair with his legs apart into a man spread and his head resting on the head of the chair.

"And loose the glasses before I take them" Hinata said pointing to Riku. He groaned again and took them off his face, and when I tell you this man was gorgeous, I mean it. He had light blue eyes, with long lashes. His dark jet black hair was messy and somewhat in his face. He was actually very attractive. I couldn't stop staring, even though he wasn't looking at me, I can still tell his eye contact would make any girl fall in love.

I kept staring then he gave me a side eye, like he looked pissed almost as if he was glaring at me. I instantly looked away.

"Is there something on my face" He said and raised a brow turning his head to look at me, like I said that eye contact is powerful

"oh uh no" I said

"Then stop staring, the hell" He said cold and rude turning his head away, just hime saying those words made him instantly ugly, like I gagged. The hell is his deal saying that to me. I was so grossed out, his face his cute, but his personality is horrible.

"what's your issue" I asked

"This job" He said, I can hear the annoyance in his voice

"What's so wrong with this job, you literally work at the highest level, you're one of the people that are closest with Akaza-San, I don't see the problem" I said

"The problem is everything, why should I have to go around through Stations, why should I have to write and write and write, why should I Have to have a different lunch then Everyone else, why should Station O have to get treated so badly, why should there be different treatment for all the stations. Why does it have to be that way" He said looking back at me again

Wow, he is speaking facts. Maybe he's not that ugly. I think me and him actually might get along and work  pretty well together, I mean come on, what he just said is true, why should there be different treatment for all the stations. That really shows how he really thinks because if he was actually so mean and cruel, then why would he even care about how the other stations, shouldn't he be worrying about himself instead?

"Geez you must really like my face, damn" He said then turned away

"Wait no, it's just that what you're saying is true" I said

"and how would you know, you're just a noobie" He said still keeping his gaze away

"Well I've been in Station O and I've been in Station 2, I've walked through the hallways of Station 4, and I've heard the whispers about Station 4, and it was either a great experience or a terrible one"

"Station O treated me so badly and they treated each other so badly, they made sure some people didn't eat, and 2nd break isn't that great either, matter of fact, it's not great at all. I wanted to quit, but when I got switched into Station 2, things changed. They treat each other well in Station 2, they make sure they eat, sure some of them are weird but it's a great experience." I said

"And the halls of Station 4 are always so quiet, that just shows you guys don't communicate with each other, that just shows you guys, don't really care for each other. And that's why I know, I know the Stations are treated differently" I said, it was a lot but I till got my point through is what I hoped until he said

"you've seen behavior differences, and?" Riku said uninterested

"no, I'm proving your point, I'm telling you, you're correct" I said to him

"oh. Yeah I already know that, You don't have to tell me" He said yawning

Oh brother, never mind what I said earlier, I'm seriously not going to work well with this guy. He doesn't even care about the long speech I said explaining his point.


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