Ramen 8.

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Y/n's Pov

"I'm the Hinata Choko, Station level SG. Nice to meet you" She said so she's Hinata, but why did she give Akaza the title Kun and Daki the title Chan? She did she say she gets to do whatever she wants, why did she say she can easily send Daki to Station O?

"Can I get a background" I asked

"A background?" She questioned

"yes like a background on you" I said

"oh sure why not"

"I am Hinata Choko, Station level SG, I have been working here since the company started, my one and only boss is Akaza. I've known him since middle school. He is my best friend and I am his best friend. Akaza is the top head of this whole building, and I am the neck. Think of it like a body. Akaza is the head and I am the next, a body without a head is unless and a body without a neck is helpless. Akaza is first in charge and I am second in command. You might think Daki is but she's only he's secretary. Just like Akaza I also have a secretary." She said and continued walking

"hmm so why does Daki get to do so many things" I asked

"Because Secretaries play a big part in companies and lucky for her, she's a secretary. They do most of the CEO's work" Hinata said

"So are you also a CEO" I asked

"I'm soon to be one" She said


"So what's your name" Hinata asked turning around looking at me

"I'm L/n Y/n" I said her eyes grew wide

"So your the 8 page writer, woahh I was expecting you to be some old lady" She said stepping closer to me

"What's so special" I said

"Your the girl Daki-Chan was whining about at SGO break, hmm but you don't look like how she described you" She said examining me from top to bottom

"SGO break? Whining?" I was more confused

"Daki-Chan and Akaza-San were talking about you during SGO break yesterday. SGO break is the dinner the special grade get at the end of the day. That really big door leads to where we eat" She said pointing to the big door at the end of the hallway.

"SGO literally stands for Special Grade Only. So that would be, Me, Akaza, Daki, Gyutaro, Katio, and Rin." She said and stared at me

"What did Akaza-San and Daki-San say about me?" I asked

"Akaza said "she told me to make sure Station O eats well" Then Daki laughed when she heard this "I'm sorry Y/n but there's no way I can allow Douma to eat" Is what he said after Daki laughed" Hinata said, hearing this only made me hate Akaza more. Why is everyone so against Douma, Hanako and now Akaza to?

"Why does Akaza hate Douma so much" I asked

"Because Y/n, Douma has done terrible things in the past, but that's for another day to explain" Hinata said

"Alright" Is what I said in reply, they're all just are being Dramatic, Douma is a kind soul to me I don't see the big deal.

"Y/n you wanna ditch this place and go get some Ramen" Hinata said walking towards the elevator. It was getting dark outside since the sunsets at 5 now. It was snowing outside again. And a nice hot warm bowl of ramen would sound nice.

"Wouldn't Akaza-San get mad" I said

"Oh my dayss Y/n, he's on a business trip! Loosen up a bit will ya!" She said going into the elevator.

"Alrighttt" I said and went into the elevator as well. When we reached the bottom floor, we walked past the sitting area, the check in area, the cafe and into the lobby. There were multiple coats hanged on a coat rack. Hinata took one and walked out the building. I did the same since, it didn't really seem like we would get in trouble.

We walked through the city and all the Christmas lights were up. The snow made the city look more beautiful, and relaxing. The cold breeze touched my warm skin. It gave me a slight chill. Taxes were zooming past us. Although we were in the city. It was very quiet, usually the city is loud but the only noise were the cars driving past.

This man on his bike was driving towards us, then he slipped and fell. Both me and Hinata, burst out laughing it was so funny. We laughed and Laughed then helped him up and made sure he was okay. We reached the Ramen shop and the inside was playing Christmas music, soft instrumental background music.

The shop was nice and warm. Hinata ordered us two bowls of Ramen, and we ate in a comfortable silence. But then a group of teenage boys walked in and they were being so loud and cringy, every time one of them would say something, me and Hinata would give each other a side eye. It was funny making fun of them. Every time one of the boys would say something dumb Hinata would mimic them by saying, "Dur dur dur dur" in a deep silly voice. It was so funny.

We had a good time together that evening. As we were walking back to the ExtraClean building. I got a notification on my phone and it said, "Mrs. L/n, we saw your request to rent out one of our rooms in our Apartment Conplex and we would love to invite you, come whenever you are ready, you room key will be waiting in the front lobby."

"OMG! I live there! Twin!" Hinata said excited

"Wait! For real?!" I said back

"Girl yes for real?!" She said

"Omg yay! But that means after work I'll have to tell my department I'm moving out of my home then I'll have to take and pack all my things and place them into the apartment and all that stuff" I said

"It's okayy I'll help youu!!" Hinata said

Then we saw the sane guy on the bike fall again and we burst out laughing.


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