welcome home

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Yelled matthew. Who he was yelling at was the matron of the orphanage that Naruto was a part of. Naruto was standing next to Matthew holding onto his trench coat, although he had strips of paper over his ears that had kanji on it that seemed to be blocking all noise.

“He’s a d-demon” the matron tried to retort although from matthew anger he instantly shot back “I DONT GIVE A FLYING FUCK WHAT YOU THINK! YOUR LUCKY I”M NOT SENDING YOU TO THE FUCKING OTHER DEMONS WHERE YOU FUCKING BELONG!”

He would too if he didn’t have Naruto with him. Consequences be damned you don’t let a 3 year old by himself wandering the village

After he regained himself he breathed heavily before saying “you will get me all the paperwork i need to adopt naruto or i swear to all that is holy i will report you to the hokage or take you out back and kill you. I don’t care fucking which” he’s always hated child abusers and ignorent assholes. But while he couldn’t do anything in the past life he had, he will do something here.

The matron shakily ran to get all the paperwork and told him what he needed to do. She tried to over charge him on the price but he scared her into actually lowering it. When he got to the name part he turned off the seals

“Heya bud, uh, an important question here. Do you want my last name? We could move uzumaki to a middle name so your other parent’s don't try to kill me from the afterlife?” he asked naruto who nearly immediately said yes. He was over the moon at the fact he’ll have a dad and nothing can stop the smile on his face.

Matthew finished the paperwork soon after and began leading Naruto out of the orphanage. ”Hey Naruto, are ya hungry?” Naruto smiles and nods his head and sheepishly asks “is it ok to have ramen?”

Matthew smirked, noticing his tone, Realizing he must love ramen and he did not know how much of an underestimate that statement was. Naruto told him his favorite restaurant was a small ramen stand called ichiraku ramen. When they arrived naruto shouted “old man! You’ll never believe it!” as he ran ahead of Matthew who chuckled at his new kid’s antics. ‘I'm going to need to get used to it. At least it won’t be boring.’

Soon matthew walked under the curtains and waved “pardon the intrusion” as he sat down

“Well if it isn’t naruto! And it seems you brought a new person too. Pleasure to meet you im teuchi, it’s good to see naruto hanging around someone for once.” the man smiled while matthew sat down with naruto sitting to his left

Matthew scratched the back of his head “well you’ll see it a lot more now then. Uh, I just adopted naruto. My names kaku matthew”

That made teuchi pause “Wait, are you saying he’s been coming here the past month everyday as an orphan?”

“Wait every day? Naruto, did they not feed you there?” the blonde kinda shrinked at the sudden question before nodding and saying not always making matthew angry at the matron more then ever “i should have killed her when i had the fucking chance.” he muttered.

“Well since this is a great day for you two. How about this meal on the house!” making naruto eyes shine. Matthew was going to deny and pay but as he was going to suggest it teuchi denied it.

Which lead to matthew finding the true power of naruto love of ramen. Also to naruto about how much matthew can pack down cuz both eat 10 bowls of ramen each. Teuchi was giving matthew some advice about raising children. Then matthew and naruto got to talking about whatever like favorite colors and mostly matthew learning naruto intrest

Soon it was time to leave and after waving teuchi goodbye for that day. They began going to home but as they walked the village began to stare at matthew and naruto walking down the road. Naruto holding onto matthew hand like he saw the other kids do. He began to squeeze matthew hand tighter as there stares linger when matthew noticed he realied that there weret just stares but glares full of hate.

“This is going to be a problem huh” matthew muttered before e let go of naruto hand while standing protectively infront of him and shouted to the villagers while pointing an acusing finger “ALRIGHT WHO HAS A PROBLEM ON ME AND MY KID GOING HOME!”

This made all the villagers gasp in shock. This was the demon boys father! Several men and women approached matthew “your the one that made the demon that murdered my dad!” yelled one of them
“That” matthew pointed at his son “is a 3 year old child! If he could murder someone then who ever fucking raised em shoud’ve been murdered!”

“That boy needs to be locked up” “he’s the devils spawn” “we need to kick him out the village!” “he should of never been born!” and so the villagers continued there petty squabble. Naruto hugging and buried his face into matthew back.

It act was about 30 minutes before they finished there yelling to which matthew slammed his cane down and ask “are you all done?” which quieted them all.

“Now then ill say this once and make sure every fucking idiot knows this. I don’t give a fuck what you think. This here kid is now my son. If you have a problem with it then ill break your teeth in. call my son a demon in front of me ill break your jaw. If you want a fucking demon how about you look in the damn mirror cuz the way i see it i have a bunch of fucking adults yelling at a child. Now me and my son are going home. If you as much as stare at my son i will through you in a seal and leave you locked up. Now get the fuck out my way”

Matthew then icked naruto up and began to leave, the sound of his cane hitting the ground is the only thing that could be heard.


In an office sat a man in a red and white robe as he stared into a crystal ball. A happy expression on his face

“It seems i won't need to worry about naruto anymore.” the man took out a pipe and began to smoke “i am curious how jiraya will take the news however”

Now a man covered in bandages “our jinjuriki was what?”


Back to our favorite boys we see naruto had fallen asleep in matthew arm as he walked along the path but as he reached a building he stopped and gently shook naruto awake.

“Hey bud, look.” when naruto did he saw that it was a 3 story building. At the bottom was a sign saying “m’s seals and weapons. “Welcome home”

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