matthew kaku

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26 while naruto is 7 [this is more so for me to keep track]

So when naruto 12 matthew will be 31.


the black tsunami


a big dude. 6,2. Bright blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. Wear glasses although he genuinely doesn't need them anymore

The normal clothes he wears/ civilian clothes black sweat pants and a green t-shirt in home but always where's his jacket and mask outside

-chakra nature-

Water, earth, yang, ink. However matthew understands the basic of the other natures


The inku tsubo [inkwell] this turns bodily fluids into special ink that can be controlled. Depending oh how attached you are to it is how much ink you can make.

Example for a newly turned naruto it would take a couple Leiters of water to make 1 gallon. However for matthew it only takes 16 Quince or 2 cups to make 2 gallons.

However unlike other bloodlines you normally cannot make true jutsu with inku tsubo. More so actions or adding on ink to water jutsu.

Example is matthew inky water cuffs and black rain. With are made from a capture jutsu and a utility justsu. Inky water cuffs made from just water cuffs while black rain is from light rain.


Jacket: while looking more like a black trench coat. It is because of the vast amount of ink matthew inbended  into it. The reason for is the millions of seals inside if it that matthew can do with on the fly. Mainly holding his vast amount of wepons, tags, and food

Dark green fingerless gloves

Pull up mask: this mask can cover his entire head. Similar to the Jacket the mask is inbedded with ink for thousands of seals. The most unique is the call-link which allows matthew and naruto to talk from anywhere. This holds more unique things like medical supplies and equipment.

Pants: while not inbedded with ink does have a cup installed. His mini m is safe.

Underwear: none. It didn't feel right with the cup so he normally goes commando


There is only 1 thing to say. A. Fucking. Lot.

Similarly to tenten he has a shit ton of wepons on hand at any time.

His go to is the twin serpents. 2 dense but thin swords made with his chakra conductive metal.

Long swords

Normal swords and shields

Big ass swords.- basically every type of sword you can make

Actually basically nearly all malee wepons. He has at least one on him besides nun-chucks. He ain't no micky.

Big Bertha. A sword that rivals the 7 mist wepons personally created by matthew. Made with an explosion release blood which give its own unique abilities. Slashing some can make it explode or implode. However he can also do time explosions.

Rexxy- a special sword the has an unnamed bloodline blood. Can absorb a targeted jutsu and holds it. Can absorb 2 different jutsu. Matthew can then use the jutsu or combine both jutsu absorbed.

And a lot of different effect tags, seals, and lots of other unique stuff.

-know jutsu-

Multitude of water and earth jutsu with plenty of unique creations.

Only some of the other elements jutsu

Chakra inbedding which is similar to tsunade chakra strength. Matthew uses elemental chakra into his body for unique effects. Going to

Earth- increase strength

Water- increas flexibility

Wind- quicken movements

Fire- increase or decrease body temperature

Lighting- electric shield around his body that he can chose to be magnetic

Nimbus jutsu. a could matthew makes to fly around on.

Various fox and deer techniques.

Matthew ultimate jutsu- inks pure destructive country tsunami.


Fox- matthew’s first contract. Gained when he preformed the summoning jutsu without having a contract. He became the first fox summoner from making a deal with huxian to provide supplies for their help. Over years he slowly became a true summoner learning most abilities he can with them

Deer- matthew second unintentionally contract. When matthew was running away from various ninjas he suddenly stumbled apon them. He unintentionally became their contractor when he supplied them a barrier seal to protect them.

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