play date?

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Being a clan head was… tiring to say the least. The other head’s while tolerating him didn’t really like matthew attitude to council work. Of which He sometime’s slept during meetings. Although he apparently gained the respect of the nara’s clan head for doing it while the hokage was in the middle of a speech. He also had to keep bringing naruto since he couldn’t get a babysitter. While non of the heads hated naruto for the attack, he was incredibly distracting during meetings. One time he was messing with the Inuzuke clan head’s dog. Matthew had to hold naruto on his back while calming the dog down which he surprisingly did easily.

Doing so surprised the head of the inuzuka since she was the only one the dog listened to. But in a minute Matthew had the dog on its back while he rubbed his belly. And now during meetings sometimes the dog will come to Matthew for pets and the occasional treat he snuck in.

Also yes matthew and naruto had been talking about the kyuubi. Currently the plan matthew has is learning from yamanaka to create a seal to let matthew mind into the seal and talk to it. Which is where they were going to. He was going to the clan head inoichi yamanaka who during a previous meeting matthew asked if he’s willing to listen to his thoughts on mind seals. It got inoichi attention.

Inoichi also suggested for naruto to meet his daughter. While she had friends they were all girls. He didn’t want her to be hooked on a guy like the manga she and her mom reads. When he described it matthew burst out laughing that the mom was reading bl to her kid.

So now in front of a flower shop the kaku’s walk in and are greeted by a women. She had brown hair and seemed calm. “Welcome to yamanaks flowers how may I help you?” matthew gave a wave while naruto wandered around looking at the various flowers. “Howdy im here to see yamanaka inoichi.”

The woman got slightly on guard “why are you trying to meet with my husband?” before matthew could answer inoichi came in from the back “Ah, Matthew, welcome!” matthew smiled as inoichi coming in and saving im from explaining. “Hey mate. Sorry for just walking in, are you ready to see if we can push the minds to the limit cause i’ve got tons of theories.” 

“Yep. Firstly though, where is naruto? We should introduce them before we begin.” matthew called naruto bak as inoichi called his daughter. While naruto hugged matthew leg, a small blonde girl comes down from upstairs and stands near inoichi. “Ino, this little man is naruto. If you don’t mind can you and him go play while me and his father talk?” naruto kinda went behind matthew and looked at ino. She didn’t have the stares like others so he should be alright.

“Could we head to the park? Sakura should be there” inoichi look to matthew who contemplated for a second before looking to naruto, who looked excited to go. “Alright naruto” he caught the boy’s attention. “Do you still have those seals I gave you?”

The boy nodded. “Do you remember the rule on the special seal?” again a nod “don’t use it unless absolutely necessary cuz you might get arrest-” matthew lightly bonked naruto on the head to not say the last line. “Alright i don’t mind them going”

Naruto raised his hands above his head in victory. He followed ino and they were off. After they left the shop inoichi called another blonde man “yambi do you mind watch ino and naruto at a distance?”

Matthew smiled seeing the ninja give a mock salute and leave lazily. He respects a fellow brother of laze like the naras. Matthew walked with inoichi to the man's office. Although for some reason he feels something off. ‘Eh probably just being a worry wart again’

Arriving at the park naruto immediately was running around having fun. While he loved being by his dad side, it gets boring quickly and they haven't been to the park in a couple days.

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