6. Congratulations (the end)

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~Update ~

Time skip: 2 years later.

It's a cold winter day as winter finally rolled in adalyn was in the kitchen cooking dinner for the twins "Elena, Eden- dinner!" Addy said putting their plate on the table and seeing the twins sitting at the table using their vampire-like speed. Adalyn smiled then started to think she felt like something was missing looking at an empty seat "What's wrong my love " Dex said kissing her hand to bring her out of her thoughts "Something is missing " she said turning her head to face him " what is it you want?" He asked curiously following her eyes to the empty chair " I just have a strange feeling "Addy responded placing her hand on her stomach "This feeling isn't my own, it's like I'm feeling another soul..." Addy gasped "You don't think I'm" "pregnant, " Dex said feeling her stomach "It is possible, " he said with a warm smile "We can check first thing in the morning "Addy smiled as they both joined the twins for dinner.

Dex kept his promise and took Adalyn to a vampire doctor for a check up " I see you want to know if you are with child Mrs.Lin" the doctor said sitting at the monitor and putting gel onto a wand scanner. " I have a feeling I am, I'm sensing another's thoughts," Adalyn said laying back in the hospital bed shivering feeling the cold gel touch her belly, Dex held her hand sitting next to her not leaving her side "What do u see doc" he asked eager to know " well, looking here Mrs. Lin is very much pregnant " the doctor said still looking at the monitor " no twins this time I only see one, your due would be something next month " the man said wiping the gel off addy.
Adalyn was so excited to have another that she missed raising the twins as she hugged Dex " I'm so happy my love " she cried.
" I'm glad you are excited," Dex said in response.
" We have to plan a baby shower, your mother would be having a fit if we didn't "
" I'll make sure to send invitations, make sure to take it easy"
"Let's go tell the twins"
Adalyn got up holding Dex's hand as they headed home.
" what's the surprise" Elena said seeing her parents looking excited "Ou! Is it a vacation " Eden said wanting it to be a vacation "You two will be a big sister and brother "Addy said hugging them both the twins had shocked faces and hugged their mother back " I'll be the best big sister" Elena said happily " no I will be the best big brother" Eden said as the twins went back and forth about who will be the better siblings " enough you two, the baby will love you both equally, so no fighting " adalyn said crossing her arms useing a stern voice " yes ma'am" the twins said with a apologetic look on their faces.

After baby Lorela was born the vampire family through a welcome home party giving the new born gifts and toys making Adalyn very emotional she cried with joy holding baby Lorela in her arms " she's perfect " addy said kissing her forehead " she's beautiful mom" Elena said touching the baby's hand in awe "hope she'll like hunting like me" Eden said also looking at the baby " she has you're beautiful gold eyes my love " Dex said smiling holding addy close " my turn to hold my grandbaby" Daria said holding Lorela in her arms rocking her softly " you my dear make beautiful children, lorela will be such a beauty I can feel it- I'll make her some clothes like I did the twins she has to wear the finest things" adalyn giggled at Daria words seeing her so pumped to spoil Lorela with rich things "Don't spoil her too much mother, we wouldn't want her to become a brat, just like the twins I want her to know the importance of money and responsibility" Addy said yawning " yes yes I know " Daria said kissing Lorela face making her laugh.

" DEX!, were is Lorela I can't find her" screamed Addy in panic desperately searching for little Lorela "Ummm... mom I found her," Elena said pointing in the air Addy looked up to find Lorela hovering in the air laughing having fun, addy sighed in relief " she's only three and she's already flying " she said floating up to catch her " she is our baby, it would be weird if she wasn't doing this" Dex said slipping a little chuckle " now we have the really baby proof the castle" she responded floating back down landing on her feel holding Lorela " what if she got hurt, I'm worried about her Dex" Dex rubbed adalyn's face to calm her kissing both addy and Lorela forehead "you're doing great, we will protect her I promise honey," he said taking lorela to change her diaper. " dada fly" said lorela wanting to play " almost done my little fang" Dex said putting on a new diaper " all done" Dex pick her up throwing her in the air catching her as Lorela giggled happily " Weeee!" Little Ela said excitedly, Adalyn smiled as she watched her life glow proud of how her life became and the family she created the warm feeling she felt in her heart she was happy more happy then she could have ever imagined.

The end

I want to thank you all for reading Adalyns and Dex adult life grow but this isn't the beginning
You can't end a story without its beginning now announcing a second book in writing about the beginning of Adalyn and Dex before they began the beautiful married couple you know today created to have more details on them and more characters in there life 
see you all there in before he craved me!!!

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