Chapter 36

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"What is this...." they saw a map, where a school, a town, the hospital, and the golden eye.

"This is the hospital we saw right?" Lay asked pointing to the Brolinz hospital.

"This guy...." they point at the guy. "Lay can you search who is this guy?" Jevan asked. Dane looked around before he picked up a crumbling piece of paper but it was just blank, he couldn't find any information contained in this.

"Wait, no need. I already saw that guy. He was the owner of the hospital, he was a famous scientist."

"Scientist?" Dane and Jevan say in sync before they turn around.

"Yes... what about it?" Lay said without thinking, it was odd.

"That's it! We should go back now to talk to Ruggs we will pursue him," Jevan said before he lifted them out from the hidden room.

Lay rushed to shut the computer and followed Jevan and Dane who were walking out of the office.

They lock the door after that they go in the car.

While driving can't help not to look at the school where Lyndon used to study.

"Dane, can you stop the car?" Dane was confused by it but he still stopped the car.

"Let's go outside, I want to have bread," he said. Lay and Dane looked at each other but when they saw the bakery near the school, they just sighed to surrender and went outside the car.

"What do you want to buy?" Lay asked when they entered the bakery.

"Who knows let's just get what we saw," Jevan said before he got the basket inside.

"We all eat bread every day but still we love it," Lay said to Dane chuckling before he also picked what he wanted.

"Hey, you're still working? What about the kid who working with you these past few weeks?" Jevan, Dane, and Lay stop picking bread before they step toward the cashier.

The two women look into them. "Ahh, I heard about what you said earlier it is true a kid is working here?" Jevan asked, the elderly woman to nod.

"Yes, what about it?" She asked. Dane and Lay put their hand on the counter and stare at the woman. The woman looks at them while frowning, she doesn't like how this adolescent stares at them, she does something heavy to them.

"Can you describe that kid? You know my brother is studying in that school in front and he's missing about weeks" The frown on the woman faded away while the other one covered her lips.

"Really? Your brother is missing? Well, the kid who was working here has really good eyes, and his hair is a bit curvy he's a polite kid, when I come here he will stir a coffee for me." Jevan's heart started to thump harder he knew it was his brother.

"That's my brother! Can you tell me what he said and why he works here?" He asked. Lay and Dane were gazing at Jevan they wanted to calm him down they knew when it came to Lyndon he would lose his calmness.

The woman was stunned by it but she sighed. "That kid tells me his brother got expelled from the school and he wants him to help work so his brother won't be bothered by their expenses ever." Jevan clenched his fist but then he turned around.

"Thank you for this information and thank you for looking for my brother," he said before he walked out of the shop. Lay and Dane rushed to pay for the bread they bought and followed Jevan.

When they arrived they just saw him in the car staring at the school again.

Dane started the engine and straight through the house.

When they arrived they saw Riggs was in the kitchen looking for something to it.

Lay out the bag of bread at the table. "Oh is that something to eat?" asked and rushed toward him. Lay was about to snatch it away but he couldn't when Riggs finally grabbed it and opened the paper bag.

Dane and Lay quietly sat in the chair. "You're out of focus again, we nearly found you this time just stay calm," Dane said as he patted Jevan's back. Jevan nods, he promises to himself at this point he will focus, and stay calm. He won't allow the information he found about Lyndon will pull him to the edge of nothing. He knew it was running their time.

"So what did you find?" Riggs asked while munching the bread. Lay grabbed the paper bag from him when he got one break and stayed away from home. Riggs glared at him but he didn't complain instead he sat in front of Dne and Jevan. Lay also flow when he successfully hides their bread from Riggs.

"Do you know Brolinz hospital?" Jevan asked for rights and didn't stop eating but he nodded.

"Yes, what about it?" Lay and Dane wince when they see crumbs let out from his mouth while speaking.

"Disgusting," Lay comments but Riggs doesn't mind him his eyes are on Jevan.

"There's a guy who came into the office well no he trespassed the office we saw him looking inside but before he caught him he ran away," Jevan continued Riggs nodded saying he was listening.

"Lay grab that guy's wallet while he's distracted. And we saw his ID. He's a nurse from the Brolinz hospital," Dane continued Riggs stopped his face trying to raid while raising his hand.

"W-water!" Lay rushes to run toward the disñensen and gives him the water.

"What the are you kid?" Jevan said in irritation but Riggs was busy reviving himself before he let out a sigh he hit Lay hard into his back


"You save me this time man," he said hitting Lay back.

"Can you focus?" Dane said he was annoyed by his actions he looked like he wasn't even serious about this matter.

"OK, okay. So you're that nurse can be involved? How? No one knows you right?"

"But Dewie is known by looking for this case this may be the reason why they tried to invade the office to crush the information Dewie got so no one would find it but unlike them, we saw the hidden room and saw the map and it says there the Brolinz hospital has involved this case," Jevan explains Riggs hit the table make them stunned.

"It's a no! Did you know who was the owner of that hospital?!" He shouted. They used their finger to block their ears.

"We know the scientist!" Lay shouted back he also pulled Rigg's ear to shout them but Riggs pushed him before wincing.

"That's hurt! do you think you can suspect the hospital like that? This hospital is guarded by the police, you can't investigate the place where Mr Calvin is a superior," he said stopping them but Jevan held Rigg's hand to make him stop.

"Please Riggs this is important my brother needs us please do something, we won't touch the owner if he's innocent we just want to investigate the hospital," Jevan was begging him.

A moment of silence they are staring at each other before Riggs lets out a sigh.

"Ok fine, I'll give you access, I try my best to cover you up!"

Jevan, Dane and, Lay clap their hands together before a smile shows on their faces "You're the best old man!"

"This fucking sons of a bitch...."

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