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Kaylaya POV

It was comforting having him here. I knew Enobaria needed to say something because the way he looked at me wanted to drill me with questions. Instead he rubbed my back, mumbling on about how stupid the propo they needed to do was, he talked about what the distrcts were all bringing in.

He never asked me to speak, but to rest. Just like Enobaria said. Which right now I thanked her for.

" Do you need anything else?" Cato asked looking down at me.

" No." I yawned.

" You should try to sleep."

I shake my head, " If I do I know I'll have all sorts of wild dreams, you can sleep I know you need it as much as I do."

His hand traced down my thigh lazily. " Not tired." He answers.

" I had a dream... right before I woke up."

" Yea?"

I nod, " It was Aspen."

He was quiet, I laughed " I barely got any words in, he was basically yelling at me to wake up. He said you were waiting for me."

" Really?"

" Well, not your name specifically. He then ' they' were waiting for me. But then.. you two were."

Cato uses his free hand pulling more covers over me, " He knows I'm impatient."

I smile.

" You know I used to be so jealous of him."

I sit up slightly. " Of Aspen?"

" Yea, I could never figure out how he managed to get the prettiest girl in 2. I thought when we were younger he was such an idiot. I never paid real attention to you until I saw you one day, without braces and got taller, and taller and taller. Then he'd tag along, he was always smiling."

He sighed, " Then he decided he was good with a sword, ofcourse I needed to show him I was better."

This made me crack a smile. " Ofcourse you did."

" I hoped you would've noticed me then. You didn't, he went out of the training center in a cast and you were all over him. That was the last time I tried before I was occupied with my games."

" I never told you, I'm glad you won."

I see a muscle flex in Cato's cheek, " Yea, me too. I needed to make sure your hot headed ass stayed alive after you volenteered. I guess I need to thank Aspen for that actually, I'm glad you had someone like him."

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