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They used the Odairs and Octavia for these shots so all I could do was watch, once I was bored with that I see Boggs, Cato, Gale, Archer, Vad,and Evangeline in a small circle looking at something. Me and Priya decide to join, pushing ourselves in, Cato puts me in front of him wrapping his arms almost protectively over me.

I know he feels threatened out here, I feel alittle on edge was well.

Priya squeezes between him and Archer, It was the Holo, the one like in 13 in the Command room. It had the whole city, they built it in almost a perfect square, they had little sections squares just like a graph, Zane and Boggs pressing each square able to look closely at each section to see what pods needed to be cleared or awaited us.

It seems like they multiplied.

" Where do we move from?" Gale asks.

" Here." Boggs says tapping one of the higher up squares, " We;re right here, we need to made it to the middle."

" How many miles is that?" Archer chimes in, " About.. a good 40 on foot. we have a ways to go soldiers." Zane says.

" And that's all cleared?" Cato questions.

" When the front lines go in they tried to clear everything but...some were unactivated or installed after so... technically no." Zane answers again. " We're hoping the Holo will be enough to get us through but we do expect casualties along the way."

Cato only nods, his grip on me getting just a little tighter, it wan't the answer he wanted but.. it's the reality of this. " Over there where those 3 big trucks are...that's where you get your meals, eat, and rest soldiers. We have to long of a day tomorrow." Boggs instructs.

You didn't need to tell me twice, I was exhausted from today and not looking forward to tomorrow. We all stood in line, the food looked worse then in 13. It was a tannish slop that they said was some sort of barley soup, it tasted like the scent of bread. It was edible, just needed some water to wash it down with.

If I needed to pick between this again and one of those greasy bars I needed to eat before I went into my games, I'd eat 5 of those bars.

We all went back to our assigned space to eat, then right after alot of us went to bed, me included. Cato stayed up longer, I think he went to go talk to his dad or maybe Archer but I felt him slip next to me in his sleeping bag giving me a light kiss before I was fully asleep again.

The morning came to soon.

There was a blunt repeating screech that rang throughout the whole camp, if this was their alarm to wake up to everyday I might've went to look for a pod to blow myself up with.

" I thought the damn radios were bad." Cato grumbles from beside me, I raise my brow in response quickly braiding my hair before lacing up my boots, securing my pack and walking out of our tent with Cato.


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