uninvited guest.

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It's been a few days since the couple applied to their desired colleges and now they were just waiting on the acceptance letter/s.

Minji came back from her business trip too, her and jisung gossiping about everything and nothing.

Minho went home with the promise of returning... something about always wanting to be near jisung or he'd go crazy.

Changlix broke up-

I'm only joking, if anything they got closer and are even planning on working soon to buy a house together. They're also gonna be attending college in January, Seoul university to be exact.

Chanmin are still friends, same with hyunin because literally all of them are scared to make the first move on the other.... it'll happen soon though dw.


"Han jisung!"
"Yes mom? Did I do something..."
Minji shook her head no but told him they had to talk.
"So what you wanna do for the future kid? Applied to any colleges yet?"
"I've been so caught up that I forgot to mention it...uh yeah, I signed up for Seoul university and ramcad..."
"Ramcad? Isnt that a school in the us?"

"Yes please...I'm sorry I didn't tell you before and I know I should've because it's literally on the other side of the world and you're my mom and you deserve to know but I was so scared of your reaction and a part of me is also gonna miss you terribly-"

Jisung was cut off by his mother embracing him. He returned her hug and the room fell silent.
She pulled back but still had her hands on his shoulders, "if that's what you want then go for it sweetie, it's your future, not mine or any one else's...do what you feel is right okay?" "I'll miss you dearly but you're growing up and who am I to be a roadblock in your part hm?"

Jisung teared up a bit and hugged his mom once more, "I love you so much and I just wanna say thank you...from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much mom." "You took care of me when you had nothing" Jisung couldn't continue because his words got stuck in his throat due to him crying.

"Wipe your tears sweetheart or I'll start sobbing too."
Jisung laughed, "what do you mean you'll start too? you're already crying."
"Oh shut up smart Alec"
"Mhm... Okay mom"

The lovely moment was interrupted by a knock at the door.

Minji got up to answer the door but immediately slammed it shut.
There was knocking soon after and it was so loud that jisung gave his mother a questionable look as he got up to see who was at the door.
"Han jisung, if you open that door you'll be sleeping outside tonight!"
He was taken back by the tone his mother used because he quite frankly did not hear it often.

He was a good kid and had no reason to disobey her so she rarely got mad.
Jisung retracted his hand in fear and moved away from the door.

"Minji open the door, I know you're in there!"
Minji sighed and got up. She gripped jisung's shoulders and made him sit at the kitchen island while she opened the door.

"What do you want?"
"Can't I come see how you're doing, huh?"
"No you cannot, and how the fuck do you know where I lived?"
"Well I just asked around, easy as that."
Minji closed the door once more but before it shut, the unknown person put their foot between the door and the wall. "Ah ah ah, not so fast, can I come in? Have a glass of water and maybe catch up.. see my son..."
"Yah Lee jihoon, get the fuck off my porch, no you can't come in and no you can't get a class of water... Are you okay in the head?!" "You also have zero rights to see him after you left us.

Jisung was timidly sitting and playing with his fingers.
He hadn't heard his mother swore at all during his years growing up. So whoever this mysterious stranger is must have done something to upset her.

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