I'll be right there, just hold on

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Minho was frantically packing his suitcase, ignoring his mother's questions that seemed to have no end.

He took a taxi to the airport and all the way there, he was coming up with different scenarios in his mind.

"Can you drive faster please?" He asked the driver as his foot bounced up and down.

"On it."


Flight scheduled to Lakewood!

We will be boarding so please head to your stations!

After airport check out and all that stuff, he hauled his suitcase behind him, still being in a hurry, and sat in his designated seat on the plane.

He tried calling jisung but it didn't go through which made his chest tighten with worry.

Minho hated how long the flight time was. It seemed to go on forever before he heard the Captain's voice sound through to say "please fasten your seatbelts, we are about to land".


He was now outside of the airport and he called Felix, asking him to let Adrian tell him the location of their dorm.

He got it and got into another taxi.

*"Where to?"*

*"Uh...school dorms please"*

*"Which one kid?"*

*"Uh...ram...ca....ramcad"* he struggled a bit but eventually got there.

*"Alright!"* The taxi driver sped up in the direction Minho told him.

He was fidgeting with his hand, mainly because he was nervous of what jisung's reaction would be

What would he say?

Would he even want to see me?

But he called for my help earlier..

Maybe it was just an in the moment kinda thing..

What am I gonna do if he says he doesn't wanna see me?

*"We're here"* the taxi driver broke him out of his thoughts.

Minho paid the man and looked at the huge building before him.

Before he could get in, he had to state to the guards what his purpose was for coming there.
He explained, though they were still iffy about his reasoning, they let him go.

"Shit I forgot to ask for the room number-"

*"Yo Minho!"* He lifted his head up to see a tall boy with tattoos and black hair walking towards him.

*"I'm Adrian...if you're confused"*

*"Ah...nice to, meet you?"*

*"Same here, c'mon. Jisung's in the shower right now"*

Minho squinted his eyes at that.
He didn't know if it was jealousy but he knew he didn't like it.

They climbed stairs after stairs before even reaching the room and when the finally did, Minho got anxious again.

Adrian pushed the door open and jisung was now on the couch.

*"Oh hey Adey. Where'd you go-"*

The door opened further and jisung stared at Minho then back at Adrian.

Jisung's lips trembled and Adrian took this as his cue to leave, so he did.

"Jagi I'm sorry-.."

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