movie. smoking. kiss.

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Adrian came back and found jisung curled up into himself on the couch. He wanted to wake the boy up and asked why he was so disheveled but decided against it.

He picked jisung up bridal style and put him on his bed. Adrian tucked him in and went to his side of the room, eventually falling asleep.

Few days passed by and not once did jisung smile. Adrian tried his best cheering him up since jisung didn't know anyone here but it didn't work.

Jisung felt like he was stuck in a cycle. Wake up. Eat breakfast, if he felt like it. Go to his three classes. Come home. Cry. Sleep.

He cried for days on end wondering if the pain of Minho leaving was ever gonna go away.


Adrian had just came back from being outside with his friends as jisung was walking out of the bathroom.

"*Hey dri wassup?*"

"*Just came back from hanging out with Lexi and josh*."

Jisung hummed and continued towel drying his hair.

Adrian felt like he was on pins and needles around jisung, since he wasn't in the best mental state and he didn't know why, so he threaded the waters lightly.

"*Do you..*" jisung looked up at him from his place on the couch urging him to continue.

"*Do you maybe wanna hangout-*"

Jisung put the towel down and stood up, "*Dri you already know that I don't-*"

"*Hannie it'd just be me and you. We can chill in the room or out here if you want..*" Adrian looked at him, hopeful eyes shining, and jisung was giddy with how considerate he was being.

"*Yeah, okay. What would we even do though?*"

"*I don't know, watch movies? Or smoke....*" Adrian tilted his head while a sly smile adorned his face.

Jisung's ears perked up at the second suggestion. He's actually been wanting to try it again after having done it for the first time.

"*How about both?*" Jisung answered and Adrian smiled telling jisung he'd be back.

He ran down the hall to josh's room and asked for a bag of weed.

"*Motherfucker do you know how expensive this shit is?*" Josh held it up in his hand and away from Adrian.

"*Yeah but I need it now so give.*"

"*Who you smoking with?*"

Adrian rolled his eyes so far back into his head, "*The new kid..*"

Josh didn't ask anything else and just threw the weed at him saying 'don't come back'.

Adrian rushed back to his and jisung's shared dorm.

He found the younger sitting criss crossed in their room with his laptop opened up and a movie starting up.

"*What you watching?*"

"*Divergent. Haven't watched it in a while.*"

"*That's alright I guess. I've never seen it so.*"

"*Cool. Come sit then.*" Jisung patted the space next to him and the older of the two joined him.

A little bit into the movie, Adrian started grinding the weed to roll it up.

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