🤸🏾‍♀️🎄Christmas shopping 2🎄🤸🏾‍♀️

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They went to 5 different music stores and not one of them had the mic they were looking for.

"I'm about to drop dead I'm not even joking." Jisung exaggeratedly panted and held his chest. Minho was no better. "Love there's one more store to check before we give up, c'mon" jisung grabbed Minho's outstretched hand and followed beside him.

Once they entered, both boys bowed 'hello' and searched around the store.


"That's it's I'm giving up!"

"Need any help?"

Jisung turned around to the voice, "Oh thank God, we're looking for this mic" he held up a picture on his phone and the boy said they had the last one in the back.

The pair was ecstatic to say the least.

After paying, they left, heading to the 'gym' store for stuff for changbin. Shopping for changbin was hard (in jisung's opinion) because all he did was work out, act cute and consume protein. So he settled on something from all three of those categories.


He bought changbin new weights, 2 compression shirts with matching pants, protein powder and a huge bunny plushie.

Jisung felt guilty-ish because changbin already has stuff like this so he wanted to buy something more.

He opted for a cologne and a computer.
The computer was for producing and changbin didn't have a proper one at the moment.


"Lixie, innie, chris, binnie... Okay hyunjin's next then seungmin"

"Love my feet hurt, like so bad and I'm hungryyy."

"Yeah but you get me as a snack later" jisung winked at him and walked off in the direction of the art supplies store, sashaying his hips for more effect.

Minho bit his lip and just shook his head.


"This long bitch has enough paint stuff though."

"Yeah but you can never have too much."

Minho blindly followed behind jisung, complaining every five minutes.

"Min, baby, kindly shut the fuck up" jisung pecked his lips then continued looking around.

He stopped at a pretty sketch book that had a butterfly merged with a flower as the cover.

This screamed hyunjin so he picked it up and went over to the paint brushes. He grabbed a pack with all sizes. Paint was next and he plucked up both oil and water paints. Finally, he grabbed a pack of colored pencils with about 120 in them along with sketching pencils.

"Finally!!" Minho shouted as he dragged his body behind his boyfriend once again. He got a few stares but, did he really care??

Jisung was tired too, hell he doesn't even know how he stood up this long without eating, "okay seungmin's turn."

"We've been friends for years but i have no idea what that little shit likes."
"Me neither"


"I got it! I'm such a genius!!"
Minho looked at jisung mortified after the boy just twerked in the middle of the store.
"I don't know you-" and the older walked off.

Jisung caught up to him and smacked him.

"Yah! Are you ashamed of me?!"


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