will you be my forever?

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Minho ended up talking to the dean at jisung's school so he can be transferred there.

Before he did that, he sent Nathan to the hospital and he was on life support until recently. (No one found out ^-^)

Minho moved to America with jisung by his side every step of the way.
The couple finished their final year of college together and they couldn't be any happier.

Before they got back together though, jisung did tell Minho they can't just jump back into being in a relationship, but Minho didn't care.

He waited and waited until jisung was ready for them to be one again, his love never fading.

Minji ended up flying to America as well a couple months before jisung and Minho's graduation.
She couldn't have done it earlier because she had a lot on her plate, however, minji never failed to let jisung know how much she loves him and how proud she is to call him her son.

In their last year of college, changbin proposed to Felix and Felix said no but then popped the question right back at changbin. He wanted to be the one to say "will you marry me" to the love of his life, not the other way around.

They're set to be married a couple months from now and they are the happiest they've ever been.

Bangchan, changbin and jisung decided to take producing seriously and they've achieved so much.
Together, they wrote and produced over 300 songs; including soloists, idols and independent international artists.

Seungmin took the path of being a solo singer. Every now and then, Chan would offer to write songs for him and jeongin would often times do duets or adlibs for seungmin.

Jeongin loved music but to everyone's surprise, he didn't pursue it seriously.
His father got sick so he took up the position as ceo in his company even though his father said someone else could've done it.

Hyunjin taught and choreographed dances for idols and soloists daily. In his free time, he put out a couple dance videos of himself which rapidly gained attention from agencies but he shut them down.
After all, he couldn't be with jeongin if he accepted their offers.

Felix still danced, he loved it so much, he'd never wished of giving it up. Felix became a pre school teacher and he would bake them treats instead of giving them stickers when they did an amazing job in class. Everyone loved him, especially the parents.

Minho basically did the same thing as hyunjin. He continued working in his dance studio from home after him and jisung decided to move back to Korea.
He filmed a video of him dancing in his studio a while back and it quickly gained recognition so he has been booked and busy ever since.

Jisung, as said above, did producing with changbin and bangchan. He didn't stop at that, for he put out songs of his own every now and then. He somehow convinced Minho to be in one he wrote a week after Minho had came to see him in college. The title is 'want so bad' and it seemed fitting at the time, considering he got a cosmos flower tattooed because of minho.

Him and Adrian never stopped being friends and he was glad for that.

Having tattoos became something jisung did a lot so he could be distracted from himself whenever Minho wasn't near. He has a heart one behind his thigh, a little flame one right above his v line and many more in places only Minho could see (;

Minji proposed to her girlfriend and they've been married for a little over a year now. Everybody attented, even Adrian, josh and Lexi. They had fun and danced freely without any problems.

Everyone was doing okay and were peaceful with where they were in life. Their jobs were full filling both money and heart wise, and them never breaking apart as a friend group made it all the more better.

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