C.1 | Royals

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Ani wasn't normally one to complain, but they had been sailing aimlessly through the southernmost waters of the world for weeks now, and she was getting tired of the biting cold. She was also tired of her brother's snappy attitude but she had grown used to it over the past three years at sea.

They had spent the entirety of the morning training and sparring and, just like every time before, Zuko lost to his sister. After nearly four relentless hours of exchanging orange and white fire, Ani was taking a break–something her older brother by four years didn't seem to appreciate. She didn't pay him any attention, though, sitting across the Pai Sho board from her uncle Iroh and drinking some Ginseng tea he had brewed for anyone who wanted some.

Ani and Iroh were in the middle of a Pai Sho game (much to Iroh's joy) when a distant beam of light shot up into the sky. Zuko stared at the light, a sense of determination and hope. His island of a ponytail threatened to follow the course of the wind.

"Finally," he grumbled, narrowing his eyes–one of which had a massive burn scar that reached halfway down his face and back over his ear–turning toward where his uncle and his sister were sitting. "Uncle, do you realize what this means?"

"We won't get to finish our game," Iroh responded halfheartedly. Ani snickered, covering it up with a clearing of her throat. Zuko didn't find it as amusing.

"It means my search," he answered, correcting his uncle's sarcastic response. "It's about to come to an end."

Iroh sighed at his nephew's comment while Ani took another sip of her tea, skeptical of her brother's claim. This wasn't the first time they had spotted a supposed sign of the Avatar and came back with empty hands. Not that Ani minded too much. She had heard the stories of the Avatar and, while whoever the Avatar was supposed to be hadn't shown his or her face since the beginning of the war, she had come to her own conclusions that she kept to herself, as they wouldn't be popular with her peers.

"That light came from an incredibly powerful source," Zuko pressed, pointing at the dissipating light beam. "It has to be him!"

"It could just be a celestial light," Ani suggested, though the glare from her brother told her that he didn't appreciate her input. She just shrugged and continued sipping on her tea, warming it up as the biting cold stole the heat.

"We've been down this road before, Prince Zuko," Iroh took over. "I don't want you to get too excited for nothing." He placed one of the tiles down, leaving Ani stumped over what her next move was going to be while Iroh continued speaking to Zuko. "Come, sit. Why don't you enjoy a cup of calming Jasmine tea?"

Zuko clenched his fist and fully faced his uncle angrily. "I don't need any calming tea! I need to capture the Avatar!"

Ani raised a brow and placed a tile on the board, which was quickly shown to be a horrible move when Iroh placed a tile down and won the game. She pouted and crossed her arms as she tried to figure out where she went wrong. Then again, she never had won against her uncle in Pai Sho.

"Helmsman," Zuko ordered. "Head a course for that light!"

Ani grumbled as she and her uncle started another round of the game. After another few rounds, and with the sun beginning to set, Zuko demanded another spar.

"Really, dear brother," Ani tutted with an annoyed tone. "Don't you get tired of being a perpetual sore loser?"

Zuko grumbled something unpleasant under his breath as the two of them got into their stances. Ani waited patiently, as she always did. Zuko made the first move, as he always did.

Just as Ani had predicted when she took her stance, her brother started with a series of fire punches, which she dodged with ease. Her hands were kept ready for an attack, though she was yet to make a move. She just kept waiting patiently and dodging every one of her brother's attempts to knock her off balance.

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