C.2 | The South Pole

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Zuko made the first move, shooting out two blasts of orange fire toward the two men in their Fire Navy gear and swinging his foot at his sister, who dodged the strip of fire that raced toward her.

Ani stepped back to her original spot and returned fire, blasts of white fire shooting from her fists back at her brother. Zuko blocked the blasts and stumbled back, though he remained on his feet. Uncle Iroh shook his head.

"You are sloppy, Zuko," he observed, sitting on a wooden stool off to the side. Looking up at the siblings, ordered them to start again.

Once again, Zuko struck first, with Ani waiting for just the right time to respond. She sidestepped, feeling the heat rush right by her before returning to her position. Before either sibling could make another move, uncle Iroh stood up from his stool, critical of his nephew's moves.

"No!" Zuko had to refrain from rolling his eyes and Ani fiddled with her sleeves while Iroh critiqued Zuko's technique. "Power and firebending come from the breath, not muscles! The breath becomes energy in the body. The energy extends past your limbs and becomes fire." As he finished, Iroh thrusted his hand out, the flame that escaped stopping just before reaching Zuko's face. "Get it right this time."

"Enough," Zuko responded with unearned authority over his uncle. Ani sighed quietly and focused her gaze on her fingers. "I've been drilling this sequence all day. Teach me the next set. I'm more than ready."

"No," Iroh disagreed. "You're impatient. You've yet to master your basics. Drill it again!"

Zuko growled in frustration and turned around toward the two armored up crew and, without warning, sent a fire blast from his foot that pushed the crew member further away flat on his back. Ani glanced between the crew member and Zuko, thoroughly bored with this training session.

Boys and their fragile ego.

Turning back toward his uncle, Zuko spoke demandingly. "The sages tell us that the Avatar is the last airbender. He must be over a hundred years old by now. He's had a century to master the four elements." Zuko leaned down, getting more in Iroh's face, who just glared up at him with a leveled head, though Ani was sure she would have blasted her brother away from her at this point. Patience was a virtue belonging to her uncle, not her. "I'll need more than basic firebending to defeat him. You will teach me the advanced set!"

Iroh dipped his head slightly and sighed. "Very well. But first, I must finish my roast duck."

There was a knock at her door. Ani granted permission for the person to enter.

"Princess Ani," Captain Liu. "Prince Zuko is requesting your presence at the bow. The Avatar has been spotted, as has where he has been staying."

Ani didn't turn around to face the captain with the hopes of hiding her shock, nodding in acknowledgment.

"Thank you, Captain. I will head there right away."

The man bowed and left, shutting the door as he did so. Ani's eyes were wide as she stood and saw some of the crew come in to dress her in her armor. Once she was armored up, she was led to the bow of the ship where the rest of the crew that would be going down into the village were waiting with Zuko.

"Took you long enough," he remarked with a cold tone, staring out at the endless range of ice. Ani scoffed.

"I can return to my room and take up more of your precious time, if you would like."

Zuko scowled at her and faced back. In the distance, a glacier materialized in their path. Ani grew nervous for a moment until Zuko said, "There he is."

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