1: Ah Sh*t I Can't Speak

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Y/n felt like she blacked out for days but it was only 3 seconds before she could opened her eyes. Her eyes widened as she turned her head, gazing at this place. She saw a red curtain in front of her with loud, children-like-tunes coming from the other side. The spot she was at looked like she was behind the curtains of a theater.

She heard singing, and then names, Gangle, and Zooble, and Kinger too, Ragatha, Jax and Pomni too,

Day After Day After Day After Day After Day After.

Oh God Y/n slowly peaked through the curtains and saw 6 game players, not exactly human. There was a floating teeth and eyes but he had a body and looked like a ring master from a


She opened her mouth to say f$€\ but nothing came out. Not like a censor, she didn't hear that, she heard nothing. Confused, she tried saying hello, but again, nothing.

Y/n started to panic. She looked around once more and saw her reflection in a mirror. She thought her eyes was deceiving her so she walked closer to the mirror, still standing behind the curtain. Her jaw dropped and saw her new look and her new body.

Her face was painted white, with 2 straight dark lines from her forehead to the bottom of where her eyes were. Her nose was painted red and her lips was painted (red/black.) Her hair stayed the same but it was black. Her striped black and white shirt hugged her cartoon looking body, same thing with the black pants. The clothes felt weird, didn't exactly feel like clothes, but it was more "fake" feeling. She lifted up the shirt and thank god it wasn't glued onto her, her skin was also white. But what bothered her most was that she didn't have a bellybutton.

Y/n wanted to check if she still has boobs, or even a p^$$¥, but she figured she'll check once she's alone.

She walked closer to the mirror but accidentally bumped into it, making the mirror dramatically shatter.

She stood still as she saw the curtains opening up. Everyone was already looking at her. Some looked annoyed, others showed sympathy, and a few looked scared.

The moving teeth and eyes guy floated to her.

"Why hello! Welcome to The Amazing Digital Circus!"

She froze, didn't know what to say even if she could talk.

"I'm Caine, the ringleader! And you must be?" He pointed his staff to her. Y/n looked at the others, still very much confused.

"Cain she probably forgot her name, like how we all did." The rabbit crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"Oh right." Caine put his hand underneath his mouth-chin.

Now, Y/n doesn't know her name is Y/n, and whenever Cain asked her, she thought about it but couldn't remember.

"What do you want your new name to be! It can't be-"

Y/n slowly backed away as Caine was speedily running through the terms and conditions.

The first named she thought of was going to be her new name, she opened her mouth to say it but again, nothing came out.

"Oh God! She can't speak!" A king chess player threw his hands in distressed.

"Hmm yeah that's going to be a problem." Caine scratched his back with his cane.

"She has to do mime stuff." The rabbit smiled, as if he wasn't already smiling.

Y/n glared at him, she soon turned her attention back to the matter of the problem, she can't speak.

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