7: The Void

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"Time to play a game!" Caine did a flip in the air. Everyone was staring at him, Zooble and Jax crossed their arms, Gangle (comedy mask) and Ragatha exchanged glances, Kinger's eyes widened out of fear, and Pomni was shaking. Y/n couldn't focus on anything, her mind was occupied with what happened yesterday in her room.

"Today's game is Hide and Seek! One person will seek, while the others hide!"

"What happens if the seeker finds a hidden person!" Bubble appeared.

"Then both will seek! If the seekers finds a hider, the hider will now seek! Making the game increasingly harder!"

"What about the winner?"

"Oh ho ho, there's no winners! You all have to play the game until the last person is found!"

"Who is going to be the seeker?" Bubble chimed.

Caine glanced at everyone, then pointed his cane.


"Oh god." She put her hands on her hat in distressed.

"Have fun!" Caine and Bubble disappeared.

"I'm not playing this stupid game." Zooble deadpanned.

"Oh come on! I think it'll be fun!" Ragatha beamed.

Zooble sighed, "Fine. Pomni make sure to find me first so I can leave."

"I think you have to seek once you're found." Gangle recited, which made Zooble roll her eyes.

Pomni spoke up, "Um..okay..well I guess I'll count to 30 while everyone else hides...does that sound good?"

"Sounds good to me." Jax replied, looking over at Y/n who was still keeping her eyes away from him.

"I'm going to go count now." Pomni turned around and put her gloved hands over her eyes and began to count.

Everyone else hurriedly left except for Jax and Y/n.


Y/n started running, she didn't want to play the game but she also didn't want to be near Jax. That whole situation from yesterday embarrassed her and she cringes whenever she gets reminded of it.

Jax, however, wasn't embarrassed by it. In fact he's been thinking about it all last night and current. He didn't get a good look of her, just the side of her body, but he wanted to see more. For some reason, Y/n caught his eye. Maybe because she's the only human looking that he finds attractive (sorry Pomni) or maybe she's the only one whose personality he likes. Before Y/n arrived, Jax coped with the idea that he can't leave by being a nuisance to everyone, a simple distraction, but now, he's too focused on getting closer to Y/n, mentally and physically.

Y/n escaped the tent and started running outside, she kept turning her head to see if Jax is following her.

I wonder if I can mime a skate board?

She jumped on an imaginary skateboard and pushed off with her foot, and thank god to her she was riding a f^€||ng skateboard.

Holy sh|t this is fun as f^€| She smiled.

She kept going faster and faster, getting farther and farther away from Pomni. She didn't know where she was going, her mind was too occupied with riding a fake skateboard.

In the horizon she saw a white, almost glitchy sky. Before she could react the ground disappeared and she got engulfed by the white, glitchy sky. Caine forgot to tell her about the void, and what it might do to her if she goes in there. So Y/n didn't know any better to stop and prevent herself from getting stuck.

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