5: Get it in the first try

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Oh god what song is it gonna be.

Y/n has been here for 3 days, maybe 4, she lost count if she's being completely honest. Her nose wrinkled in disgust once the morning song, "I'm a Gummy Bear" started playing.

However, Y/n just stayed there with the oddly warm blankets on her body. She stared off to the plain black ceiling, and that's when she started thinking about Kaufmo and his reasoning for abstracting, which was that there's no way out of here, as in Digital Circus.

Y/n's reasoning was that she didn't want to be alive, period. But she doesn't know if it's going to work since she's not technically "crazy", just a tad bit suicidal. She tries to abstract once she gets some alone time, but again, doesn't work.

Is it because I'm not crazy or is it because something is holding me back. Maybe something is preventing me from giving up? But she didn't necessarily believe the 2nd and 3rd option.

The gummy bear song ended and started hearing the others walking down the hallway and talking. She listened closely for Jax's voice but she didn't hear it. Y/n's heart ached once she didn't hear his voice, she feels guilty and even sad that she pissed him of yesterday.

A hesitant knock was on the other side of the mime's door. Y/n looked at the door in confusion, Why would Jax knock? He has my key.

"Uh hello? Y/n?" Y/n felt disappointed once she heard Pomni's voice.

She got out of the bed and dragged her feet, opening the door to see Pomni with her wide red and blue eyes.

"Oh thank god you're okay, I was worried."

Y/n cocked her head.

"I didn't see you, that's all...Plus you're one of the ones that makes me feel okay..and not crazy." She laughed nervously.

Y/n gave her a comforting smile and shut her door, and then walked with the jester to do the theme song, again.

The theme song started playing, and Y/n was just planning on doing nothing again (she's actually surprised Caine hasn't made her do anything.)

Back on regular schedule, everyone gathered around the table again to eat digital sausage and bacon. Y/n sat down between Pomni and Zooble, and was waiting for Jax to sit across from her, like he always does.

But this time he sat far away from her. Y/n chewed on her lip. God why am I so upset over this? Get over it!

She debated about it for a minute or two, and then finally gave in. She grabbed her digital plate and walked over to sit across Jax. She didn't make any facial expression once she sat down, just continued to "eat" like nothing happened so she doesn't feel the embarrassment and the possible humbleness.

Jax glared at her, but soften his look. He slightly smiled to himself. "Did you get sad that I didn't sit across from you? You sure are clingy." He rested his arms on the table, giving her that same, cocky grin.

Y/n's lips curled into a small smile, flipping him off in a playful way.

"I take that as a yes."

Thank god he's not mad at me.

Caine appeared out of thin air, with Bubble floating beside of him.

"Alright everyone! Im going to be busy so today is going to be a free day! You can do anything! Just don't go to the void, or any exit sign."

"We're going on a date." Bubble stuck their tongue out.

"There's an exit!" Pomni screamed. Caine quickly disappeared with Bubble, which left Ragatha to calm Pomni down.

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