6: We Have Parts

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Time seemed to not exist in this world. Wandering aimlessly, Y/n didn't know how long she was walking/exploring the main tent. She didn't know what else to do, talking to people is hard since she can't communicate properly, so she mainly has to rely being on her own to keep herself company.

It didn't bother her though, since she was little she felt alone, so it's just something she's used to (doesn't like it, but used to it.) But mainly, she feels as if the more alone she is, the easier it is for her to abstract.

Eventually she made her way out of the main tent, and saw the fairgrounds. The time that she was here (completely lost count) she didn't hear anyone mention the fairgrounds (other than the tour.)

She doesn't remember if she's been to the fair before, so she doesn't know which ride she likes the best. However the ferris wheel caught her eye.

Y/n got inside one of the containers, but quickly came into realization that nobody is operating it. She was about to get out until she felt a shake, making her stumble. The ferris shell started moving and so she sat back down.

God I hope I don't get stuck here, and even if I do I can't yell for help. I wonder if i'll abstract. She silently chuckled to herself.

The ferris wheel slowly took her to the very top, she could see everything. Even though the world is digital, it was so beautiful to her to look at.

The ferris wheel came to a complete stop while she was up high. She didn't think much of it, but once 10 seconds went by she started to panic a bit.

Fuck, I jinxed myself.

She started to look around, wondering how she's going to make the ferris wheel move again. As she was trying to find something, she saw Jax and Ragatha walk out of the tent and sit on a bench that was near it. The two were talking, but since Y/n was far away and so high up, she can't hear them.

Y/n began to think that they're on a date, and for a split second she frowned, but quickly fixed her face.

Think, how to get off of here, I don't want to draw attention to myself because I don't want Jax to make fun of me.

But why would she think that? She doesn't care what Jax thinks about her, but at the same time, she doesn't want to seem stupid for getting stuck up here.

She stood up and looked at the nearest container, she's hyping herself up to jump into that container, and then the next, and then the next, until she's close enough to the ground. She knows she can't die, but doesn't mean she can't get hurt.

If only there's something I can grab on if I do fall.

She prepared herself, took a deep breath, and tried to jump to the other one, but her foot slipped and she started to fall but she caught herself. She looked up to see what she grabbed but it was nothing.

What the f^€|?

Y/n was hanging from an invisible bar, she looked down and was still too far up to let go. She looked back up at the invisible bar and caught a glimpse of her black and white striped shirt.

Oh right, I'm a mime.

But then her eyes lit up, she knows how to get down without making a scene. She turned her head and saw that Jax and Ragatha was still talking, not paying attention to the mime.

Y/n pretended there was a ladder, and she prayed that she won't f^€| up and fall. She placed her dangling feet on the imaginary ladder, and to a somewhat of a shocker to her, it worked. Her lips curled into a smile, and focused on climbing down this imaginary ladder.

I bet I look crazy as h3|| right now.

As she got closer to the ground, Jax caught a glimpse of her. His smile practically reached to his eyes. "You can climb imaginary ladders now?" He yelled, which caught Y/n off guard.

Since she was no longer focusing on this ladder, she fell about 5 yards down, landing on the digital grass with a silent thud.

The impact knocked the wind out of her and she was gasping for air, but Jax and Ragatha can't hear her fighting for her life.

Ragatha ran to Y/n and got down on the ground, leaving Jax slowly walking to her, "Are you okay?" Ragatha panicked.

Y/n nodded her head slowly while getting back on to her feet.

"Guess you suck at your mime stuff." Jax teased, in which Y/n replied by flipping him off (again, censor.)

Y/n was still very much embarrassed by falling on her @ss in front of Jax, but it bothered her because she doesn't know why his thoughts and feelings about her matter so much. She figured it's because she hung out with him the most.

The three walk back into the tent, with Jax and Ragatha arguing about how he should stop making people's lives a living h3||. Y/n picked up speed in her stride since she hates being around people who argue.

Jax stared at her walking off from the group, his eyebrows furrowed and wanted to go follow her but he didn't want Ragatha to see that.

Y/n started to feel a stinging pain in her upper thigh, the more she walked the more prominent the stinging was.

She made it to her room and locked the black door. Y/n rolled her pants down to see why her thigh was stinging so much, as she was rolling them down her eyes widened.

I have a p^$$¥.

Her tight black pants was around her ankles, she examined her new body. Her new part wasn't very detailed, it looked more like a hentai vagina. However she did have all of the important parts.

She lifted up her shirt and saw that she indeed see breasts, including the nipples, but again not super detailed.

Her doorknob started to rattle and she pulled her shirt down and was trying to pull up her pants, but it seemed impossible to her because they were so tight.

Jax walked in and once he saw her trying to pull up her pants he quickly turned away and shut the door.

"Guess you figured out that we have parts." She couldn't see his face but she knew that he was smirking.

She mentally cursed at herself and wanted to abstract already because there's a chance that Jax saw her bare @ss and p^$$¥. Y/n was finally able to pull her pants up.

"You decent?"

There was some silence. "I assume." He put his hands in his pocket and turned around, seeing  Y/n with a red face.

"I overwrote the NSFW code. Basically everyone here has a d|€| or a p^$$¥. I don't even think anybody knows about it because they haven't mentioned anything about it." He looked up to the side to recollect if he remembers anyone mentioning it.

Y/n balled her fist. She's thankful that he did that because at least she can do that when she's feeling the urges, but he saw her half naked. Y/n raised her eyebrows, trying to indicate why.

"I think you know the reason." He shrugged.

Y/n pointed to the clock on the wall, indicating when, but Jax didn't get it until a couple of try's later.

"Oh, whenever you got here." He turned on his heel and started to leave the room. He placed his hand on the doorknob but turned around before opening it, "You're welcome by the way."

omg y'all i'm so sorry 😭 i was in nyc for about a week and i desdass didn't feel like uploading 😭 also sorry for this short chapter

and updates might be like once a week 😔

thank you for 1k!

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