2: The Last Supper (Not Literal)

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Y/n didn't know how long she was laying in her bed for. The clock on the wall didn't move, it stayed constantly at 9:30, AM or PM, she didn't know. She tried sleeping, like closing her eyes, daydreaming, but she couldn't get that satisfaction of drifting off to sleep.

Her eyes stayed open and she gazed upon the ceiling, that was black and just plain black.

Thank god it's not striped.

The morning alarm went off, it startled her but then realized the song was "Crazy Frog."

What the f^(|?

Even though this song p|$$3d her off, she was thankful that she's allowed to get up and leave this zebra @$$ looking room.

The mine opened her door and saw everyone leave their rooms. Some of them were talking to each other, like Gangle and Kinger, Ragatha and Pomni, but the others just kept silent. Y/n followed behind everyone, not knowing what to do next.

Y/n tapped on Kinger's shoulder to get his attention.

"Gah! Oh sorry, you startled me." Kinger looked at her, waiting for her to speak but she's trying to come up with how she's going to mime, "What are we going to do"

Finally she pointed at everyone and then shrugged, hopefully that Kinger will know what she's trying to say.

It took him a few moments and then finally answered. "Ah! We usually sing the opening, eat breakfast, adventure or games, lunch, free time, dinner, free time, and then sleep! It's good to keep a schedule so we can stay sane!"

Y/n catches on that everyone here has mentioned the word "sane", but they never say anything about what happens when you're not sane.

The schedule wasn't that bad, at least she'll know that there's stuff to do everyday, but it's going to be monotonous. Having to do the same thing, over and over again.

She followed everyone out to the spot that she first spawned at. Everyone got in their spots as she heard Caine, and other one that she hasn't met yet, say their little dialogue before the intro. She remembers it from the day before, saying the names, and then finally her curtain opened up and she just stood there, eyes widened and you could tell that she looked uncomfortable.

"Good job everyone! Breakfast by your chef, Bubble!"

Y/n's jaw dropped a bit, she never saw a talking bubble, but this doesn't actually surprise her because she experienced all sorts of weird things within 24 hours.

She eyed everyone's reactions, and it seems they're used to this by now, except for Pomni of course who was still shaken up and scared.

Since Y/n can easily relate to Pomni, and talked to Kinger earlier, she sat between the two and stared at the digital pancakes that looks rubbery. Everyone else was happily eating except for her and Pomni. The jester was picking at her food, debating whether or not she should eat it.

"Why are we eating like it's the last supper?" Jax huffed.

"Last supper?!" Kinger shouted, Gangle started to cry a bit.

"Not an actual last supper, the one in the Bible where Jesus and his disciples sat on one side of the table." Y/n looked over Jax, she saw him get up and he sat directly across from her.

She felt weirded out, didn't know why he chose to sit across from her. Jax kept that usual smile and looked her.

Conformity took place and everyone else changes their seats to sit across from the others, Gangle and Kinger, Pomni and Ragatha, but Zooble just stayed in her spot.

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