8: Abstraction.

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i'm not fixated on tadc anymore so i'm gonna cut this fanfic short 💀 but instead of abandoning it im gonna end it right here, im so sorry it was ended so short and abruptly 😭 but anyway thanks for reading! and thanks for the views! and votes!

Seconds, minutes, or maybe hours has passed as Y/n stood still in her room. The clock that stayed at the same time didn't move, but she swore she saw the little hand move the 2, then 3, 4, 5 6. And it stayed there.

She felt her body have a buzz, like some electricity going through her. Her eyes was still staring at the door, it was locked obviously, but she was scared that Jax will walk in.

She didn't want him to see her, sure she liked him, she liked being around him, but this time she genuinely wants to be alone so she can commit this digital suicide.

Her legs gave out, her planting on the floor, still staring at the door. Part of her wants Jax to come in, to maybe save her, but she figured she felt that way because in the past hardly anyone saved her.

Y/n looked at her paralyzed legs, she saw images of fractals, she knew it was happening. She smiled out of relief, knowing that she can finally get away from her emotions and the memories that didn't go away.

The fractals trailed up her body, and it stay stagnant at her waistline. Her smile dropped once she heard the doorknob jiggled. She tried to get back up on her feet to hold the door shut but fell down, she tried crawling but could only scoot.

Jax came in, wide eyed as he saw Y/n glitching from now the chest down as the fractals slowly made its way to her neck. She stared up at him, tears in her eyes because the moment she saw him being concerned for her, scared about what she's doing and not the basic @ssholness rabbit, she's starting to regret.

He got at her level and was wanting to put his hands on her face, but didn't. Because he knew if he did then the fractals will be on his hand. So he just watched her as the shapes and colors slowly covered her.

He wanted to say something, but was in too much of a shock. He wanted to say that he loved her, yell at her for doing this, saying how he hates himself for not borderlining stalking her so she wouldn't do this, because he knew that she was going to sooner or later.

All he could do was stare at her as she abstracted.

Abstraction (Jax x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now