Chapter one - Danger

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Chapter 1

As he prepared to confront Janja, Kion's form became floating slightly above the ground, and a began to soft glow surrounded him.

Kiara, imprisoned but not defeated, possessed the power of super smell, the Outlands echoed with the laughter of Janja's clan as the princess attempted to escape and was met with the harsh reality of steam vents. 

Kion: "You know why I'm here, Janja. Just let Kiara go. Or there's gonna be trouble."

Janja laughed at the prince's warning.

Janja: "Without the Guard to back you up? I don't think so, Kion."

Meanwhile, Fuli looked around her eyes flying between Janja and Kiara. 

Fuli: "Good scouting, Ono," 

Ono: Thanks. But Kion's plan isn't working exactly the way we hoped."

Fuli: "What do you mean?" 

Her curiosity matched her speed. He looked at the unfolding drama.

Ono: "So far, Kion's only lured Janja away from Kiara. The rest of his team is still guarding Kiara at the steam vents! And... They appear to be singing to her."

Bunga cringed "Oh, no! We really gotta save her now." Fuli reassured the team. 

But then Ono said "It won't be easy. She's still surrounded by his clan and the steam vents!"

Fuli: "So? We're the Royal Guard. If we have to do things the hard way, that's what we'll do," 

Beshte added his support. "You said it, Fuli."

"Right. So here's the new plan," Fuli directed. "Guards go back to the Pridelands make sure nothing bad happens while we are gone" 

Then she pointed at two guards behind her who looked no older than 17, one had blond hair while the other had red, their eyes black as coal. 

Fuli: "You two since you guys are new go inform the Queen and King that the Princess is found and that the Royal Guard has everything taken care of" 

They nodded saluted "Yes ma'am" and ran back to the car and drove back. She smiled looking back to her short friend.

Fuli: "Ono, find a route the other way so they won't see us coming."

"Affirmative! Follow me!" Ono led to the dungeon, the princess gritted her teeth against the pain from the steam vents, while Janja's clan continued to sing their hearts out.


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