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In the heart of the Outlands, under the glow of a simmering volcano, Kion steps forward. Beside him stands Fuli, tall and elegant, her attire both practical and stylish. She wears sleek black sweatpants paired with a vibrant yellow tank top, her dark brown curly hair pulled up into a high ponytail.

Before them, Bunga stands slightly taller than Ono, the shortest of the group. Bunga's attire reflects his persona, with a black full-sleeved shirt under a grey half-sleeve shirt that matches his grey hair, swept back confidently.

Then we have the shortest to the tallest duo, Beshte, the big guy, standing tall and strong with his black hair and wearing shorts and a black jumper. Ono, with his sharp eyes and glasses, is shorter, wearing a half-white, half-yellow t-shirt and orange jeans, his blond hair adding to his look.

Each member of the Royal Guard has their own special abilities. Fuli is super fast, leaving a trail of light when she moves. Ono can fly and has amazing eyesight, thanks to his glasses, which lets him see through walls and spot things quickly. Beshte's strength is visible in his big muscles. Bunga's bravery and immunity to venom make him stand out. And finally, the most powerful member, Kion, has the ability to manipulate wind and lightning.

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