Chapter two - Rise of Scar

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Chapter 2

Fuli ran to Kion and screamed "Kion, we did it! Kiara's safe!"

Janja: "What? You Bastards."

Fuli gave him a sarcastic smile and ran back to the Guard.

Kion: "We win again janja,"

He said calming down. However, that was short-lived.

Janja: "Oh, yeah? Well... So what! We'll keep comin' back, Kion! Again and again. Maybe next time we'll actually get rid of Kiara. Or Bunga. Or maybe even your Mom or Dad."

Kion's eyes glowed in anger.

Kion: "Don't threaten my family, Janja!"

Janja laughed "Face it, Kion. There ain't nothin' you can do to stop us!"

Kion, overwhelmed by emotion, unleashed powers he hadn't fully learned to control.

Dark clouds gathered, and thunder rumbled as Kion's forehead glowed with a red light. A mini-storm began to show itself then out of nowhere lightling was aimed at the volcano.

It erupted.

As the Royal Guard hurried to escape the erupting volcano, it was clear that the prince had something to do with it. The once calm prince now grappled with the consequences of his untamed powers.

Kion's eyes lost their glow, he fell to the ground.

Kion: "Oh, Heyvi kabisa,"

He muttered, looking at what he had done.

The guard looked back at the erupting volcano and ran through the Outlands.

Ono: "Hapana! Run, run! The volcano's erupting! There's fire and lava everywhere!"

Their eyes are wide.

Fuli, using her power ran through all the falling rocks.

Fuli: "Tell us something we don't know!"

Ono, looked around, and led them to the escape route.

Ono: "Uh... Right. I see a way out! This way!"

Kiara looked to her side to see Janja's clan who were surrounded by lava.

Janja: "jackasses, we gotta get outta here!" he shouted


The Rise Of Scar | Human Lion Guard & Lion King | Seasons 2Where stories live. Discover now