Chapter four - Surprising Visit

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Chapter 4

"Where's Beshte?" Kion asked as two of his guards escorted him to his room. They spoke no words, only stares that were a mix of guilt and anger. The guards pushed him, and the doors slammed shut, leaving the young prince alone with his thoughts.

"Do I deserve this?" He asked himself. He sank to the ground and pulled his knees to his chest.


The next day Kion turned in his bed. "Should I even bother getting up?" he asked himself.

"Yes, yes you should" a familiar voice spoke. Kion immediately sat up. A tall man stood with his back towards him. He has broad shoulders and dark red hair with black streaks. He turned around.

"Kopa," Kion said and ran to hug him. He hugged back tightly. "Are you okay lil bro," he asked. He nodded and he pulled away and both of them smiled. Kopa's frame towered over Kion's. They shared the same red eyes.

Kopa's eyes went from happiness to seriousness. "Kion I need you to tell me what happened last night," Kopa said softly. Kion stepped away from him, sighed, and started explaining what had happened.

"Hmm... I see..." Kopa spoke. His little brother looked away. Kopa paused for a moment, then placed a gentle hand on Kion's shoulder. "Kion would you like to live with me for a while?" he said. Kion looked up, and Kopa could see tears in his eyes turn into a mix of fear and uncertainty.

"Mom and Dad will kill you," Kion said. Kopa smiled and gently squeezed Kion's shoulder. "You still have 2 weeks left of summer holiday then you will have to go away to the Royal Academy anyways." Kion's face fell.

"I forgot about that," he said, looking up at Kopa. Kopa gave Kion a small smile and hugged him. "It's okay, Kion. I'm sure you'll do great at the Academy."

"No, it's not that, it's the thing that the Pridelands are in danger because..." He paused "Because Scar and me leaving might make the kingdom more vulnerable to his attacks"

Kopa fake smiled at him, "Do you really think you will be able to get out of this room as long as you are in this castle?"

"Good point!" he said.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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