Chapter three - Anger

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Chapter 3

The Royal Guard, with Kiara safely in their arms and the ground still shaking beneath them were on their way back.

The prince with powers beyond his control, stood with a heavy heart, and looked back at the consequences of his abilities.

Beshte gently placed Kiara on solid ground. Fuli, Bunga, and Ono gathered around, their expressions a mix of relief and concern.

Kiara: "Thank you, all of you. I knew I could count on the Guard."

Fuli: "Well, we got Kiara back. But I think it's safe to say the Outlands won't be the same after this."

Bunga: "Yeah, I bet Janja and his gang won't be throwing any more weird concerts anytime soon."

Ono looked around. "I don't see any sign of Janja or his clan. They probably scattered when the volcano erupted."

Kion, still trying to process the consequences of his powers, spoke with worry "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. My powers... I still don't understand them."

Beshte laid a hand on Kion's shoulder, in an effort to comfort him.

Beshte: "We'll figure it out, Kion. For now, let's focus on getting you and Kiara back home safely."

Fuli nodded. "And maybe, when things settle down, we can find a way to help you control those powers of yours."

As the Guard made their way back to the Pride Lands, the landscape behind them began to become smaller and smaller till it was no longer there, the sun dipped down.

Kion and Kiara: "Mom, Dad, we're home!"

They ran in the grand throne room. The walls were white with deep bloody red for the ceiling and hints of gold added to the room.

The siblings exchanged confused glances, they made their way upstairs to their parents' chambers.

There lay ashes and shattered windows, through which stars shone. Letting in all the cold wind.

Nala, their mother, sat with tears in her eyes, while Simba, their father, attempted to comfort her.

Kion: "Mom? Dad? What happened?"

Simba looked up, his eyes red and tired.

Simba: "It's Scar. He's back."

He spoke slowly.

Kiara: "Scar? How is that possible?"

Simba took a deep breath, his tried to be calm wasn't successful.

Simba: "It's his fault. The only way to summon Scar, and people like him is by using the powers one receives after becoming the Captain of the Guard. I assume he lost control again, and now Scar is planning havoc."

He pointed at his son, his eyes filled with a mix of hatred and sadness.

Kion: "It was an accident! I didn't mean to-"

His father cut him off sharply, "Accident or not, Kion, you're too weak to control your powers. This mess is on you."

Nala: "Simba, he's just a kid. We can't blame him for this."

But the King wasn't going to listen, he was furious.

Simba: "Guards, take Prince Kion to his room and lock him in. He stays there until he learns how to behave"


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