Evil Tina

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Author's Note

So guys this going to be Jacob's first POV :,-)
Hope you guys enjoy it

Jacob POV

It's been two days since my dad and I moved in and honestly it feels like we aren't welcomed at all, everytime I'm in the same room as Tina she always gives me dirty eyes, the girl is scary, I honestly don't know what she's capable of and that gets me on my toes

Like yesterday during breakfast she looked like she was about to stab me with her fork, scary, or like right now she looking at me with those dirty eyes again, we just bumped into each other again on her way out, this house is so huge how do we keep bumping into each other, right now we are just staring at each other in uncomfortable silence, I use this opportunity to get a good look at her, she had put on at knitted sweater and a skirt that stops mid-thigh and long leather boots, she curled her ice blonde hair and let it down, cute, I shouldn't be thinking that seeing that she wants to kill me!

Like yesterday during breakfast she looked like she was about to stab me with her fork, scary, or like right now she looking at me with those dirty eyes again, we just bumped into each other again on her way out, this house is so huge how do we ke...

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I was twelve years old and in the same class with Tina in grade seven, we were actually seatmates, sometimes I'd caught her staring at me and when she'd notice I was staring back at her she'd start fake sneezing to cover up her awkward acts, one day she came up to me and asked me if I could be her boyfriend, I immediately accepted because I always liked her, she was always a bully at school but I didn't judge, I had enjoyed all the attention she had on me. After weeks of our 'relationship' she walked up to me before class and told me that she doesn't love me and that she'd been using me for my mum's cookies, I don't even have a mum she died when I was only nine, now I think about it, that was messed up and she was pure evil because I had told her about my mum before and she technically embarrassed me infront of her friends and some of our classmates, you can only imagine what that did to me when I was a kid, a day later my dad got a contract and we move out of washington to Las Angeles

It's weird seeing her after so many years and after everything she did to me, five years later and she hasn't really changed much, she still has her baby face, her hair is still the same, she's pretty short compared to my height, she's still pretty girly though, which is also cute

Gosh, why is every thing about her so cute

"What are thinking about" she breaks the silence cocking her head to the side

"Nothing," I cross my hand over my chest

"Then why were you staring at me like that?" she raises one of her eyebrows up

I can't still be acting nice to her after all she did to me as a kid

"I said nothing, now stop questioning me sherlock"

"Hey you don't get to talk to me like that" she stomps her foot immaturely "you know what, whatever" she walks off "I don't have time for you anyway"

I'm going to be avoiding her from now on, and in anyway I see her, I'll act really rude, though I'm not really good at acting harsh to people, but I'll make an exception

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