The Introduction

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Sorry guys for taking so long to post the next chapter I was just a little busy with some stuff😅

I made some changes in chapter 1 so you guys can go check it out

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, you'll get to meet Jacob 😆 eeeeeh

❤️ Storyamazed22


I've had a bad reputation with dating, that's why Tess is so concerned, but I can't force myself to be in love, well I have to now 'cause of my mum

My mum walks into my room and sees me laying on the bed

"Why are you still on bed", she asks me while walking towards my bed

I had already forgotten about the party because I was really busy with other things, I didn't really do well in class, but I still manage to pass and move on to the next class, maybe because my parents are big donors for the school so I get a free pass, but I wanted to fend for myself and I figured out studying wasn't as easy as I thought and I got frustrated.

"Oh crap!", I say while jumping to my feet, "I totally forgot mum, is it over already" hoping I missed the party to save me more stress

"It hasn't even started, so you have all the time to get ready" she says while turning to leave, "you should not be late Tina, I'm counting on you" as she walks out of my room

I hated it when she says 'I'm counting on you', it's like saying 'you are the only hope in saving the world, no pressure', like how am I supposed to react to that?

I walk into my closet to get changed, having no idea on what to wear, then suddenly a maid walked into my room holding a gown

"Miss Tina, your mother asked me to bring this to you" the maid says while slowly walking towards my closet.

"Oh perfect, she planned for my outfit too"


I waltz down the stairs and into the event hall, I saw lots of people, I didn't even know most of them

My mum quickly spotted me and walked towards me

"Oh good you're here, thank goodness you're not late" she said walking towards me and suddenly paused "you look gorgeous" placing a kiss in my forehead

"Yeah, thanks mum, I noticed"

Well, obviously that didn't mean anything coming from my mum, she always thinks I'm pretty, so I rely on my own fashion sense but so far I was loving the outfit she chose for me

"Come I want you to meet someone" she said while pulling me towards a man which I figured was mister Iscaal through pictures, and his son?

"Hello Pamela" he said as he placed a kiss on her fingers " I just spoke to your husband" he glances over to me "Oh, this must be your daughter" he says while picking up my hand to place a kiss on it as I change it into a handshake "this is my son Jacob"

I glance over at Jacob, and see him looking down at his phone

"Say hello!" My mum whispers loudly into my ear before talking out loud again "honey, I've mentioned him to you before, right"

Only a billion times

"Nice to meet you" I said stretching hand out to Jacob waiting for him to shake it, but he didn't, he only rolled his eyes and stared back at his phone "Uh, rude!", I say, practically yelling at him

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