Night Kicks

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I walk down the stairs and walk into the dining room and spot my parents and Mr Iscaal, but no Jacob, I guess what I said got to him, serves him right

I take a seat far away from the parents, the maids come in and starts dropping the dishes on the table

No shrimp today, thank God

"So Tina"Mr Iscaal begins " tell me about yourself" I haven't really talked to Mr Iscaal since he got to my house but knowing my parents I'm sure he's equally terrible

"Um" I reply "there's really nothing much to say about myself just that I can't stand spoilt people" I took a quick glance at my parents and back at Mr Iscaal "ooh and yeah, I'm allergic to shrimp" the look on my parents' face was priceless when I said that

"Shrimps" Mr Iscaal asks whilst looking at my parents

"Yeah" I nod my head smiling widely

"Oh it's not-" Mr Iscaal gets interrupted by the dining hall door flying open, we all turn to see Jacob strolling in with his arm on the shoulder of a girl

What is this all about?

"Oh Deborah" Mr Iscaal says "you're here already" I look over to my parents to see that they're equally as confused as I am

"Oh Iscaal" my mum speak up " you didn't tell us you had a daughter-"

"This is my girlfriend" Jacob cuts her off "Deb these are my father's business associates, Pamela and Johnathan Rogers" he points at my mother then my father "Pamela, Johnathan this is my girlfriend Deborah"

"Nice to meet you" I hear Deborah say

"And this is their daughter, zyna-" he adds

"It's Tina" I corrected, looking at him sternly and he gives me a smug look

"That's what I said" he shrugs

"Nice to meet you Tina" Deborah says earn a deadly glare from me

I turn to look at my parents and see how my dad's face pale up but my mum looks as happy as ever "nice to meet you too Deborah" my mum smiles at her and she smiles back

"Thank you, I hope it won't be a problem that I stay at your place for the mean time" she asks my parents while batting her false lashes and my mum shakes her head

"No problem at all, you're always welcome to stay" my dad finally speaks after a long time and turns to me and Jacob that is sitting on the chair directly opposite from me and his girlfriend next to him "I, Iscaal and your mother will be going on a business meeting tonight, so we want you all to get to know each other"

I almost choke on my saliva which was enough to gain all the attention to myself "what" I say looking at my parents

"I don't mind" Jacob says then he turned to his girlfriend "do you mind babe" he ask her but she shakes her head "we don't mind"

"Great" Mr Iscaal speaks and I internally groan because obviously I don't have a say in this

The beginning of dinner went excruciatingly slow, when I'd make mean comments about Deborah, Jacob would always narrow his eyes at me like he'd kill me if I didn't shut my mouth but I'd just roll my eyes, but the rest of dinner started going okay when I began talking to Mr Iscaal, he's a cool guy, unlike my parents he had things in common with me if not for the fact that he's way older that me we could have been bestfriends and also he looks pretty good for his age, I see where Jacob gets his looks from

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