Prologue: The end of an old life and in with the new

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Royal Woods home to Kai Loud the firedragon became a desolate wasteland by the tyrannical war mongering Shadowdragon Drazeros. Drazeros has killed his friends, his adoptive parents Lori and Bobby, and his Girlfriend Lilac the waterdragon. Kai was left all alone as he became known as the vengeful firedragon.

Kai made a vow to kill Drazeros and free Earth from his tyranny. Kai killed Necro, Brevon, Ivo Robotnik, Serpentine, and Metal Kai. The last three that he must defeat are Felice, Siderian, and Drazeros.

In the deserted streets a mother with her son and daughter are running from Siderian and Felice that are chasing after them.

Felice: You can't run forever!

On the top of the building stood the evil Shadowdragon Drazeros. He didn't care about the three humans nor did he care for Siderian and Felice. He is waiting for a certain firedragon to come so that he can kill him by his own hand. He sensed Kai's energy and he is getting near. Drazeros smirked maliciously as he will enjoy ending his life.

The son accidentally tripped and the mother went back to get him but not before Siderian grabbed the little girl.

Siderian threw the little girl to the mother. Siderian and Felice inched closer to them as they will enjoy killing them but then an orange blur came and punched Siderian on the right side of his cheek sending hurtling towards Felice.

It was Kai but he had a scar on his face and his eye was blinded. Kai looked to the three humans with concern.

Kai: Are you three alright?

Mother:(grateful smile) We're fine now thanks to you.

Kai sighed in relief as he was glad he was able to save them.

Siderian and Felice got backup and glared at Kai with hate in their eyes.

Felice:(evil smile) If it isn't the vengeful firedragon.

Kai glared at both Siderian and Felice with burning hatred. Kai charges at them. Felice tried to slash at his stomach but he dodged them and Kai cuts off her arm. She screams in pain as she tried to stop the bleeding where her right arm was but Kai soon cut off her head as the body thudded on the ground.

Siderian was shocked. Siderian well knew Kai isn't someone that kills and he was starting to feel scared but shook it off as he charged at Kai wanting to kill him but Kai dodges and stabs him in the chest.

Siderian:(dying) I'll... see you in hell...

Siderian soon died as Kai took his sword out of Siderian's body. The firedragon soon heard clapping as he looked up and his eyes burned with rage.

Drazeros:(evil smile) I must say I'm impressed. You're not the type to simply kill your opponents.

Kai:(anger) Like how you killed my friends and family you heartless monster!

Drazeros chuckled evilly at Kai's outburst.

Drazeros: (evil smile) They were nothing but mere fools standing in my way just like the waterdragon you love so much.

That triggered Kai as he roared in rage and charged at Drazeros. The two dragons clashed fist to fist. Sword to Sword. Kai roundhouse kicked Drazeros sending crashing in the building. Kai tried to strike a finishing blow to Drazeros but the Shadowdragon dodged it and kicked Kai hard in the stomach.

Kai held his stomach in pain as Drazeros charged at Kai before Drazeros was hit by a bazooka. Kai looked to the left and saw that it was Rusty one of Lincoln's friends that survived. Rusty had a robotic arm and an eye patch over his left eye. The others are Pretty Bit with a scar on her eye, Tuffy had an eye patch over his right eye. Lavender and Violet both had bandages on their bodies Periwinkle has a prosthetic left leg and Tyke has a robot leg.

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